Island Of Misfits

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Evening folks. We are preparing for snow Tuesday. I got the two ragged generators running, and always keep kerosene on hand.
I went to take a friend of mine a tank of propane and a heater in case he lost power. Found him dead in his yard. Appears he leaned against some rotten wood on his porch and the railing broke.
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Evening folks. We are preparing for snow Tuesday. I got the two ragged generators running, and always keep kerosene on hand.
I went to take a friend of mine a tank of propane and a heater in case he loads power. Found him dead in his yard. Appears he leaned against some rotten wood on his porch and the railing broke.
Sorry you lost your friend brother dawg! Glad you could be there for him!
Good Moon day morning venerable brothers and sisters of the sacred herb!

A gaugus clear day here, starting at 30F and predicted to soar to 45F during the swelter of the day.

I closed bids on the window replacement and rental electrical upgrades and will cut contracts today. Both under budget.

I will also start getting bids to repaint our house this year, and I need to take the contractor to task that painted one of the rentals three years ago and the paint is falling off in big blisters.

No A-fib this morning and tapered down to a 30 mg/day dose of DuLoxetine. I ordered some 0-caps and I'll dig out my 0.001 mg scales to break down some of the 60 mg caps to 10 mg each to further taper off.

Gym this morning and then I firing my cardiac specialist, as well as the pain specialists that prescribed the DULoxetine, whom have not followed up on my request for appointments a week and a half ago. I'm also going to write Legacy a nasty letter.