GW, you mentioned feeding peanuts to squirrels in the park. It reminded me of back when I was a teenager, sitting in the grass at Flushing park smoking dope. There was a little boy around 8 or so sitting around 30 feet away at a picnic table, feeding pieces of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich to a fox squirrel. All was going great until the little fella reached over with his free hand to pet the critter on the head. All I saw was a blur of brown fur streaking up one arm, across his shoulders, and down his other arm, biting the poor kid every inch of the way. The kid was screaming like a gut shot Comanche. It was all over but the crying before I could get my stoned ass up to intervene. I think the kid learned a valuable lesson that day.
Those mother fkers will tear your ass up if they are not tame.My Mom had Squirrels that would set in her hand and eat grape's,, but it took a couple yrs to get them that tame.
I've fed squirrels peanuts by hand. Sorta instinctive to just hold your hand still -- to avoid scaring him away (or up and down your arm chewing).
I've never tried to pet one, but can regularly call them down a tree to me to take a peanut from my hand using the same squirrel call we used to use to get the squirrel to show himself when squirrel hunting as a kid. Done with the tongue to mimic their bark/chatter.
I had an interesting experience with a squirrel that was blind in one eye and had its tail torn up, so had probably been caught by a dog. I trained Heidi Ho to not chase the squirrels and she was with me when I fed them regularly. I was sitting a a picnic table with her by my side tossing peanuts to the squirrels and the blind one came up on the table to get its peanut and sat and ate it while facing with its blind eye toward me and Heidi and its good watchful eye watching for danger elsewhere.
I don't feed the deer around my house because they already help themselves to every flower in my wife's garden. One day nice healthy beautiful plants, next morning twigs
Gawd isn't that the truth! They are browsers so you have to cage anything you don't want eaten?
We were so poor, we had black & white radio! We were so poor, if I didn't wake up with a woodie on Christmas morning. I didn't have anything to play with.
And even there I felt shorted................
41F @ 87% RH, rain, and predicted to reach 50F.
Six different shots fired calls to 911 last night and appears to be rival gang related based on locations.
I finished off the concentrate that I recovered from my vapor pipe and after pulling off most the alcohol in an Extract Craft Turbo, I finished it off in a 10" Pyrex pie plate. It came out an interesting gem quality red color, which I'll take pictures of once the sun comes up and share.
Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!!! UPS notified me that my whole home surge protector and ground rods have arrived, as well as my cinnamon flavoring for the sublingual meds I just whomped up using MCT oil, to make it more palatable.
The recent winter storm took out multiple transformers in our area, and the surge wiped out the furnaces and home appliances in some homes near us, so it has me concerned.