Sunny and supposed to get up to 81. Everything is chopped from and out of the water closet. I have a busy week at work and will be finally be dropping them Gabagoo's for the hydro at the end of this week. I am going to clean, bomb and clean again before I get it up and running. Mrs. Monkey's dad went to the great beyond yesterday. Dealing with that plus I have a busy regular work week. Anyone know what the lower stripes on his sleave stand for. He is a 25 year Army retiree.. I know the upper ones stand for Staff Sergeant.. I know he did 3 volunteer tours in Vietnam and helped oust Noriega. Then he went and did 20 more working for the State at the Dept of Revenue. Tough, tough old bird. Even took on Mrs. Monkey's first batch of moonshine

cookies. That in, and of itself, is quiet the story. Mrs. Monkey and I were together for his last 2 M.I.'s... First one Dr said quit smoking and eat right, yada yada yada. He smoked 2 packs a day sometimes 3... Never changed him 1 bit... Second one (I was there when this happened) Dr came in and told him / us, Mr. So and So, You eat what you want, smoke what you want and have a good time because when the next one hits you will be in front of Jebus before your body hits the floor. He was quite the changed man after that, quit smoking and tried eating right for the longest time... He finally passed from stroke/blood pressure related issues. Anyways, that's a lot of words and today's story. I will still try and get some pictures up of the black this week... It looks so cool, tastes and smells awesome, like cherry cough medicine or booze. Like I said the green looks like regular and smells like skunk and but hits you like a grand slam out to Waveland Ave. (Dave Kingman - Cubs Reference) = Peace and Happy Growing to Everyone.