I dont steel from no one. I have even accidentally got something I thought I paid for and it didn't show up on my receipt. I took my ass back to the store and paid for it. I give weed to anyone that NEEDS it. Canna salve edibles anything I have I even give seeds to people wanting them. No need to steel from me. It just ticks me off and they got the shit stiff anyway. The double grape X Runtz was a broken branch only like 5 or 6 popcorn buds. In s cardboard box. My daughter said she found that little box on the floor. The cat could have knocked if off my desk. The dog would have eaten it. It still has like 3 weeks left so not as strong as it could be. The King Kandy has 4-5 weeks if it is a 60-70 day flower if it is a 12 week strain it has even longer. That is what you get when you steel. The branches both broke off from wind. The king Kandy branch was loaded with pretty big buds.. the mystery strain I still am clueless. The one pound grove bag still had 1/3 full of weed. It just ticks me off. My family sucks. The proof is in the pudding.That would get someone in deep shit with me,,, family or no family.
You steal from me and your not my goddamn family. Blood hasn't got shit to do with it.