Island Of Misfits

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Found this of interest

During Prohibition (1920-1933), American moonshiners needed to dodge the police. So, they invented heifer-heels. These shoes made them resemble cows when moving through fields, preventing the cops from tracking their footprints. It's a unique way of "hoofin' it."
Good morning brothers and sisters!

A gorgeous clear day here starting at 41F and predicted to reach 63F.

I got my lumbar MRI and cervical spine x-ray yesterday and have seen the results. A mess, with lots of words that I had to look up, except for the words severe and degenerative. The most problematic one is L5-S1 with anterolisthesis, bilateral facet osteoarthritis, severe foraminal stenosis, and a bulging disc.

My cervical x-ray showed moderate to severe degenerative discs, posterior listhesis, facet changes, with multilevel bony neural foraminal narrowing. They suggested an MRI for a better look.

I skipped gym yesterday morning for my imaging appointment, so am going this morning.
Sounds about like my spine - L5-S1 disc bulge, subluxation at L3-L4, degenerative disc disease, neural foraminal stenosis with osteophytes. Damn near need a medical degree to understand all of it
Commiseration brother! I generally understand the page and a half of new words describing what is wrong with my lumbar and another page and a half for my cervical spine after looking them up and marveling at all the pretty pictures but am looking forward to my doctor explaining it to me. Most especially any possible solutions to at least the one causing most of the pain when I walk or stand.
Everything I needed to know in life I got in Kindergarten or by watching the Godfather.

Today's high 73, tonight's low 49. Currently 59 in the Jungles of Illinois.

I have to run and do some maintenance in the grow before lights out here in a few.
Dehumidifier is really working overtime in there. - I'll take a couple of Picts.
Everything I needed to know in life I got in Kindergarten or by watching the Godfather.

Today's high 73, tonight's low 49. Currently 59 in the Jungles of Illinois.

I have to run and do some maintenance in the grow before lights out here in a few.
Dehumidifier is really working overtime in there. - I'll take a couple of Picts.
We didn't have kindergarten on our neck of the woods back in the hoary days of yore, nor did we have Sesame Street, so we picked up a lot just playing with ourselves, as well as the neighborhood kids of course.
Commiseration brother! I generally understand the page and a half of new words describing what is wrong with my lumbar and another page and a half for my cervical spine after looking them up and marveling at all the pretty pictures but am looking forward to my doctor explaining it to me. Most especially any possible solutions to at least the one causing most of the pain when I walk or stand.
I get epidural steroid injections, radio frequency ablation, and had a couple of surgeries - removed bone spurs and a morphine pain pump (that got infected and had to be removed). Getting ready to explore electrical nerve stimulator implant, not much else can be done besides a fusion surgery (which I don't want). And pain pills that do almost nothing

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