Island Of Misfits

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Good morning brothers and sisters!

Mostly cloudy here starting at 16F and predicted to reach 28F, with light snow on the ground this morning.

Lo and behold our furnace is not working after turning it down last night so I have five radiant heaters going and will be trying out our new furnace vendor.
Wish I was there. -8, supposed to hit -9 in another hour then soar to a high of 0. Here in redneck IL we have to leave our faucets trickling just a little or the tap water freezes up in the pipes. Tomorrow at this point says low of -3 and high of 7. Looks like a major warming trend is in the works.
Soylent Green, is people. hahaha. This my boys first long distance OTR trip. He ran day trips from the springs hauling wood before. I'm trying to convince him to get to Waterloo, IA and run across the bottom of MN. Pick up is in Sioux Falls and ends in Ft. Collins area. Started in Phily with just rig and no trailer. First run for new company. He seems to be dealing with it OK. Rig only has 12k on it. I posted somewhere, it's a Kenworth Automatic. I think he's only driven one a couple of times. Half of the truckers passing him on the ice are flying. Sent me picts of several jackknifed and off, Some way off, he's passed by.
Morning folks. Hunted at my cousins yesterday evening and shot a nice doe.
190 yard shot. I mostly do brush hunting at my own land and rarely shoot 100 yards.
Took my Remington 700 30.06
1978 model and it’s cherry.
Now I have enough for the ground meat and sausage I wanted to make.
Working on a new aquarium style. Has dry, wet areas plus water. Doing this in a 3 gallon tank to get the hang of it before I tackle the 55 gallon job.
Looney Tunes blasting, my boy is wide open. Got a ham ready to bake today. Life ain’t bad
Holy Crap is it cold out! Had to go clean off the car for the old lady to go grocery shopping. Only part of me not covered was my hands. 20 minutes after getting back inside I am just now getting feeling back in my
With wind chill ... -10 degrees out there!
Good morning woke up sick got a migraine and super nauseous.
Be well sister woman! Hoping it is nothing serious and that the migraine and nausea abate quickly. 🌷

I've had my best luck with migraines by lying down and packing my head in ice bags, with one sitting on my eyes.
Damn! Sorry to hear about it, Jan. Being sick sucks.

12 lovely degrees here. Not sure how much it's drifted outside yet.

Sounds like Hopper is getting a taste of what it's like to live in Yankeeland. I feel sorry for the poor folks north of me. 60K without power.
Wish I was there. -8, supposed to hit -9 in another hour then soar to a high of 0. Here in redneck IL we have to leave our faucets trickling just a little or the tap water freezes up in the pipes. Tomorrow at this point says low of -3 and high of 7. Looks like a major warming trend is in the works.
I remember a winter so cold when I was in High school. We all took 2 hour shifts to start all the cars for 20-30 minutes. Between the 3 of us mom dad snd I all got our cars started for work/school. The wind chills were -50 to -80 and it was like -16 I I remember correctly. Lots of cars wouldn't start. We were good because we were prepaired.

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