That will put tingles in your hands and feet. Anybody else get that when you climb?
@ GW...I am glad that is you dealing with tennant problems and not me! Sold my condos and cabin, now only have to worry about the place I live Just got to be to much work for me. The word tennant makes me break out in hives. Took the net proceeds and bought gold.....a lot less maintenance.
I'll bet her English was better than your Mandarin! Glad the remodel went well for ya. What used to be fun to me has became a royal PITA.
Big, the spookiest Spyder incident I ever saw was downtown in Flint on the 11 story Metropolitan building. In the hot-assed summertime, I always headed for the roof to have lunch. Sitting on the edge, there was always an updraft that keep you as cool as you could get in the situation. One day, a glazer came over to me, mad as a wet hen, asking me if I was the one that nicked his rope. I told him I didn't. He really wanted to put the blame on me, so I walked over to see what he was crying about. Sure as heck, someone had cut half way through one of the Spyder's rope lines. Scared me, and I wasn't even the one that would have been on it. I asked him where his partner was. He said that he'd called in sick that day. I asked him if he was porking his partner's wife. His face turned WHITE. He walked away, and I never heard another thing about it.
Yep, once yer past the golden 30 foot mark, it just gives you a couple more seconds to figure out what you did wrong before you splat. Tallest fall I ever took was 23'.
What happened if you guys had to go to bathroom?
Night stoners. Hope you all have recovered from what you did to yourself last night.