Island Of Misfits

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Does violation make ones anus tingle?

Asking for a friend.
I made my doc stop poking me 'cause I don't like it. I told him I'd do it myself and report back to him, but he says that's inadequate. There are other ways.

Tingle? I'd say no. Discomfort? Ayup. But that's just me. The really difficult part for me was when he had both his hands on my shoulders immediately before the probe part. I thought that was a little odd. But hey...I'm no doctor.
You keep your ass right there. I don't want you bringing that Colorado weather to Texas.
Then again probably wouldn't matter. We got temps at freezing Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Yep its coming early this year gotta get the grow room right so nothing freezes. You want males you never get them. You trying not to make seeds and all you get is males. Started with 20 ww. 2 never sprouted. One was a puny sad looking male. I culled it. Thinking Im gonna get males out of the other17. Nope every one is starling flower. One has not shown sex yet but looks like female in preflower. I will see in a day or 2.
About an hour from my house in Florida. We was up high enough that I could see the ocean and it is at least 45 minute drive from the jump site. Now time to go home and smoke a hooter.
Did you see God, or feel his presence LOL
I loved it made my balls all tingly . No that was not the tandem instructors hand
About an hour from my house in Florida. We was up high enough that I could see the ocean and it is at least 45 minute drive from the jump site. Now time to go home and smoke a hooter.
Congratulations! I didn't fall in love with the jumping out of a perfectly good airplane part, but I did enjoy flying the canopy and making precision landings.

The best part is that it cured my acrophobia.
I parachuted once off my Granny's house and broke my foot. Fking umbrella wasn't big enough. 🤪
How big was yours? The telescoping one that I carry in my briefcase was sold to me as a clever failsafe personal parachute in case of an airline crash. At a handsome price I might add.

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