As the most ancient in our merry band of misfits from the hoary days of yore, to what to you attribute your longevity brother?
Getting shot 1/100 of a second too late for it to be fatal. I moved just enuf. The rest was easy... just kept getting up inna morning.
To be straight:
1. I absolutely attribute my current excellent health and continued breathing entirely to MySonTheDoctor. <-- Boy, did I get a return on sending him through college & med school. His medical expertise kept me from dying on two sharp occasions.
2. Some things gotta change; no alcohol at all. And I love many kinds of alcohol. No caffeine at all: not from tea, coffee, soda -- this includes decaf (which ain't -- it is reduced caf).
3. Take a nap every afternoon (no special time) with a beautiful redheaded witchie-poo.
4. Get skinny and stay there. I'm a big sumbitch, so 210 is my bantam weight.
5. Live in a neighborhood from something out of Norman Rockwell -- My neighbor on my left surprised me by building a firing range in my back yard. My neighbor catty-corner in back came over and planted a snotberry (lychee) tree in my yard. The one on my right mows my swale for me when he mows his acre. My neighbor behind me shares his deep-sea catches with me, and I reciprocate with mango cake.
6. Step in poop, and come out with financial safety. My house, grounds, cars, everything is paid for, and while not rich... I can buy a $400 pistol just for the helluvit.
7. Marry a redheaded woman. Can make the preacher lay his Bible down.
8. The limits: Things that were easy to do 18 months ago... just aren't easy anymore. Fifteen minutes with a chainsaw, and I am puffing like an old locomotive and staggering like a drunk. No stamina worth a shit. And the tiredness doesn't fade in a half-hour anymore. More like 1/2 hour heavy labor, 5 hours to get back to normal.
9. I saved this for last: You guys are going to find this as hard to swallow as a tablespoon of cinnamon, but MySonTheDoctor sez that a good portion of my very good health is due to weed. Yup, weed.
10. That brings me to the beautiful folks like
@boo and
@SubmarineGirl and
@bigsur51 who have gifted me what amounts to health. All have taken chances for a guy they've never seen in person... with the result that while I can no longer smash a golf ball apart with my pecker (I now do coconuts because of my vision) I still can have happy day after happy day.
Thanks again to Big, Boo, and Subbie. Beautiful people.