Hey y’all. Challenging day. Most of my emotion buttons were pushed today dealing with crazy stuff I’m not use to in my life. Glad to be joining anyone here getting a buzz on…
Sorry you are having a challenging day sister woman!

Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around, passing left!
Another gorgeous clear day starting at 55F and predicted to reach 91F.
We had lunch with an old friend in her late 80’s yesterday. She is widowed now and using a walker, but her good attitude and mind seems to be holding. She lost her husband earlier this year and her kids seem to be bellying up to the bar taking care of her. A tribute to how she took care of them.................
Breakfast out this morning at Tin Shed with an old friend who has prostate cancer and following surgery, is trying to keep it under control with diet and extreme exercise. Besides his home gym, he rides thirty to fifty miles most days on his recumbent bike. I gave him one of our fully grown Basil plants earlier this week, and look forward to hearing what he created out of it.
Hee, hee, hee, I just savored some vanilla ice cream with blackberry syrup I made from wild blackberries that I picked earlier this month.
Time to make another trip to the Humane Society to drop off a garbage bag full of tennis balls for the pups. We collect several hundred a year from the tennis courts across the street and drop them off three or four times a year for the pups.