Island Of Misfits

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Real Baby Sailfish
you cool enough to wear this?
Ya beat me to it, Subbie.

That is @pute 's answer fer sure. HEY PUTE!! That sunshade beats the shit out of total nose removal... wouldn't you say?

I mean, I know when you are out fishing, you have to be dressed to the same haute couture as James Bond would be in a casino. That's an obvious "given".

It's a baseline style requirement when you are deep in the boonies in a lake in a boat or standing in a stream with a slimy fish in your hands.

And the gorgeous shuffle-dancing young honeys watching your every move and breath as they dance for you on shore while you are out there in the sun... You doan wanna have them looking askance at your cancer-preventing glasses, now do we. The style makes you look like an outdoor fisherman. EEK. EEK.:eek:


In extremis, that nose protector is removable, so you can safely take it off before turning and facing the dozens of scanty-pants shuffle dancing sweeties who come to watch you fish.

With the center clip removed, you can turn to the crowd filming you and say:

"Ah'll be back!"
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Awright, I'm back. Got my Doctor's Daddy hat on. Gonna get shit-serious.

I dunno if you are aware, Brother Pute... but you are exposing your cancer-prone, cancer-ridden facial skin (nose in particular) to another form of damaging radiation:

High altitude vs sea level -- There is a higher level of UV dose as you get higher above sea level. <-- TINS A lotsa people are unaware, or dismiss this because they cannot feel it. You need to be protected from this with the kind of fishing you do. You ain't at sea level.

Moreover, because basal cell carcinoma often takes decades to develop, the majority of basal cell carcinomas occur in older adults. <-- (*ahem!*)

If you've had basal cell carcinoma one or more times, you now have a proclivity -- increased risk -- toward developing it again more severely. Wear the fargin nose clip on your sunglasses.

LATE INFO PS: Just putting goop on your nose is not enough, and you really know it. You scratch your nose, rub it, sweat... and it is gonzo for protection.

Then there's the times you forgot to paint your nose white with sunblock...
Good morning Island brothers and sisters!

Yet another gorgeous day starting at 58F and predicted to reach 85F. House still at 77F from yesterday, so I have the windows open and fans blowing out the hot air.

A poor night sleeping, as something seemed to ache regardless of what position I was in and our cat Melissa attacked my foot under the sheet in the middle of the night. I must have wiggled it or something.............

Breakfast out with Grayfox and friends this morning and I need to get a haircut.

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