Island Of Misfits

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So I decided to leave work early. I get home only to see my dog is up to no good. My pit bull is laying on the back patio covered in dirt with a rabbit in his mouth
. The Rabbit's not bloody, just dirty. Now, my neighbor's kids raise these Blue Ribbon WINNER Rabbits
. I instantly knew it was one of their rabbits
. So I took the rabbit away from my dog, I rushed inside, washed all the dirt off it before my neighbors could come home. It was stiff but I heard some ANIMALS play dead when they are AFRAID, I couldn't remember which animals because I was NERVOUS
. I took it and placed it back in one of the cages that sits on my neighbors back deck, then I ran back home. NOT 30 minutes later I hear my neighbors screaming
. so I go out and ask them what's wrong?

They tell me their rabbit died three days ago and they buried it but now it's back in the cage.

Hey y’all, just checking in. Had the grandson for a sleepover last night. Should have given him a cut off time for electronic toys thinking maybe he would realize one does need to sleep at night some anyway. (He’s 10 ) he told me he never went to sleep when I got up at about 5:30 to make a pot of coffee. He said he was hungry and requested sausage gravy homemade biscuits and bacon. I forgot all about my coffee and had a headache all day cause I have an addition… after housing all that food and going on a dog walk he was ready to jump back on his (switch I think he calls it…) I told him no electronics and handed him a puzzle book instead, in 5 minutes he was out for 4 hours till I finally woke him up to take him home.
now I’m catching up with Oma time…✌️
And Walt is correct. I thought i had a spider bite on my elbow,,but it wasn't,, it turned out to be a staph infection. Made me sick as hell.
And be careful because if it is MRSA the drainage can cause infection to you and other ppl with a cut or scratch that it touches from whatever you using or touching.

Staph skin infections, including MRSA, generally start as swollen, painful red bumps that might look like pimples or spider bites. The affected area might be:

  • Warm to the touch
  • Full of pus or other drainage
  • Accompanied by a fever
These red bumps can quickly turn into deep, painful boils (abscesses) that require surgical draining. Sometimes the bacteria remain confined to the skin. But they can also burrow deep into the body, causing potentially life-threatening infections in bones, joints, surgical wounds, the bloodstream, heart valves and lungs.
Ho Lee Fuk

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