Well-Known Member
G'Morning, y'all!
Too much wheel hop to be one of Boo's...
The Mk III Terpenator was a good design and adding the Mk IV bi-directional flooding was a good improvement.How do you like it
MK III Terpenator© with Bi-Directional Modification Kit
Are you or have you already marketed theseThe Mk III Terpenator was a good design and adding the Mk IV bi-directional flooding was a good improvement.
The Mk III Evolution is based on the Mk III Terpenator, but among other nuances, has a different lid and column. The lid offsets the column to make room for a 2" sight window so you can see what is going on, and the column has a 6" jacket with a heat exchanger coil for the LPG injection built in. Another difference is the Evolution will have a list of ancillaries so it can also be used as a pot still, compound refluxing still, chromatography column, etc.........
Weed Hopper is very quiet todayMorning. Just sitting here looking out the window trying to figure out my day.
Not planning to market them, only donate the designs on the GWL site, though it did occur to me that I might run the designs by some builders to see if they were interested in offering components.Are you or have you already marketed these
My grandmother was a fabricator of tall tales and I understood that I was around a 1/8th Choctaw/Comanche but after getting my DNA done recently, I learned that am mostly English, Welch, and German, and with an ancestor in the 1700's that was Scandinavian/Native American/Nigerian/Sub Sahara African.