Commiseration and best of luck to you both brother!
Gooode morning Island brothers and sisters! Hugz all around!
Yet another wet day, starting at 38F.
I recovered about 500 missing pictures for GWL site and my webmaster showed me how to re-install them in the new platform, so I will be continuing to work on that today. Interestingly, during the process of tutoring me, he figured out why his automatic program to reload them failed and is planning to take another run at it. As my site has been down several months, I will proceed as if I need to replace them all myself.
Grayfox continues to recover from her surgery without issue and has backed off of her pain meds, so is more alert and moving around more with her walker. I've been feeding her at the coffee table, so she hasn't had to negotiate the two stairs to our sunken kitchen and dining area. Her physical therapy starts Thursday.