Merry Moonday!
Rain predicted today, starting at 33F, which should make more of this snow and ice disappear.
I had a nice conversation with a brother who has developed a procedure to increase the concentration of cannabinoids in an alcohol extract to about 80%, which is close to fractional distillation levels. He should be publishing shortly.
The amplified antenna for our TV is scheduled to arrive today for trials. It is rated at 500 miles range, while our existing one is limited to about 60 miles. We also have a TV cabinet coming to set the new Sony TV on and provide space for the rest of the electronics, but not due until March 3.
A visit scheduled today with an associate operating an extraction and formulation lab outside Salem and should have some new distillate and isolate samples to try.
I've continued to titrate the gummies I was gifted and am up to 140 mg this morning. 120 mg had good effects and approaching limits without falling asleep.