I had a bantam rooster that took great delight in making the Old Hen bleed and attacking our Shetland Sheepdog, Sharky. After about the twelth time he got into Sharky's shit, I looked at the dog and said, "Get 'em." Nothing but brown feathers flying. I stopped him before the bird died, but I let him take his ass whoopin'.he's been promised to Dutch many years ago...I'd video it but if it ever got into the wrong hands I'd be toast...Ivan was born a chicken hater it seems, Dutch has developed that anger over the years...
Thanks! I'll check it out. I found it at our local library and am in line.Good morning
@Tattered Old Graywolf If you havent read it already , check out the Creature From Jekyll Island by G.Edward Griffin for deep insight into how the bankers got control of the worlds finances
Thanks! I'll check it out. I found it at our local library and am in line.
As long as you don’t need anything but the sidewalk scraped, being snowed in is not always such a bad thing. Hope the hand isn’t hurting to bad Pute.Morning, snowed in and with my hand I can't do anything about it.
Morning, snowed in and with my hand I can't do anything about it.
Thanks Big.....I will wait it out.it will all melt by sunday