I was fking with you brother,, but you took to damn long to get back to me so it didn't work like i was hoping.Weedy: I loved Cheech and Chong when they were writing songs:
Cheech, singing: "Mexican American people go to night school and take Spanish and get a "B". Mexican American people like to date girls with names like Debbie..."
Chong, interrupting: "Hey. I wrote a song while you were singing."
Cheech: "Cool. Let's hear it."
Chong: "BEANERS!<-- Um, that's as far as I got."
Later he elaborated on the song:
"BEANERS! Gonna... get you! Gonna... smack you inna face!"
.. is mindlessly going down the hallway spitting endless racial, national, religious epithets in a continuous stream.
Do tell regarding the hash-O-matic please ..Bubble bags for bubble hash. You livin' under a rock? Takes awhile unless you've got Hippie's semi-patented Hash-O-Matic. Last thing I ever did with Brother Yooper.
It's a China Freight cement mixer. Works like a charm. Never had anything in it but weed. Put in the weed, ice, and a little water. Let 'er spin for ten minutes or so, put a screen over the opening to keep the weed in, and dump it into a five gallon bucket. Run through the progressively smaller bags 'til yer done. I usually do three to four runs on the same weed and then dump it and put in fresh. Repete.Do tell regarding the hash-O-matic please ..
All on the festivities list..............Happy Birthday GW!
may this be a day of debauchery , wantoness , and epicurean delights!
All on the festivities list..............