Good night, Shipmates. Tomorrow's another day. Group hugs.
Good idea! Hugz all around, starting with the person next to you, so as to start the morning off on an upbeat note!
And gooode morning Islander brothers and sisters! 64F @ 78% RH starting out this morning and predicted to reach 80F.
The city is resurfacing the arterial street on the east side of our property and has the street in front of our house both blocked off and lined with no parking signs. That of course forces us to park both cars in the drive, with the Jeep in the rear blocking the Ford, which has to be in front to reach the charger.
We also have to take a long circuitous route out of the hood, because they have most of the streets intersecting the one under resurfacing also blocked off for several blocks in both directions. Made more difficult by the throngs of drivers also trying to get by the construction zone any way possible and our narrow early 1900's streets. Not room to pass when cars are parked on both sides and some aholes force you to yield by refusing to do so themselves, like they somehow have the right of way.
I took the heavy bandaging off my left hand and am just using a big Band-Aid to protect the incision and stitches. Too hard to accomplish anything with one hand wrapped up like a swab, that I can't get wet or dirty. I have pretty much the full range of motion and the stitches are scheduled to come out Wednesday.
Back to hanging security lights..............