In 12 plus years on eBay, and 6 plus years of using PayPal, I've only had one bad experience. If I'm purchasing something that is, what I would consider, a "high priced" item [say, over $200], I'll use a money order. And, some seller's just don't use or like PayPal, because of the fees they charge.
One thing I stay away from are the sellers that use the "slick & colourful" web pages, and tools to promote their auctions. My preference is to buy from individuals; a practice I always maintain is to e-mail them with questions. IF they are good about communicating and e-mailing, you will most generally have a good seller; I practice this on items I sell, too, and encourage buyers to ask questions or request additional photos. Largest item I ever sold on eBay was a 1985 Toyota Celica convertible. The person bought it on my recommendation/communication and about 15 digital photos to his e-mail address.
Last, one thing about eBay...if you register a complaint or cannot get a seller/buyer to reply, they will assist you; at least that's been my positive experience. Sorry to soapbox...