Indoor Grow Play by Play

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:) Just beware, I learned a very HARSH lesson here recently with that chamber. It holds heat like a MOFO. I am in a battle right now trying to get the temp to stay @70- 80. It has shot all the way up to 90 degrees. This weekend I will be putting in yet another vent hole to see if that will help. I now have two large box fans in there and they are not strong enough to push that hot air out so the air is just kind of hanging right under the vent at the top, but not going out of the chamber fast enough. I crack the door about three inches to help vent and that helps, but it kills the humidity inside the chamber and brings it down to nothing so it is like a double edged sword right now.
So I have put some thought into things and I think I am going to try LST on the plants. I think I have the procedure down pretty much. Drill holes in the sides of the pot and tie down the plant carefully. Question is, how tall does it have to be to start? Right now my plants are maybe an inch and a half tall. I think I am going to give them another week of growth before I start, if I start. Anyway I remember a picture guide someone did in paint, but I can't remember what thread it was in. I was hoping I could dig that up. I will just have to do a little more looking.

Found it!!
Checked them last night. Having some discoloration and heat issues still. I decided to just leave the door to the chamber wide open instead of just a crack. So I hope that helps with a couple of the problems. I also think I am over watering so I am pulling way back on that. I am having a few issues with yellowish "scaley" spots on a few of the leaves, and the tips that are pushed up against the edge of the pot are starting to brown and die a bit.

I also found another bug. I think that is because I have been overwatering and keeping things to moist in the dirt. So...once everything dries if there are anymore little bastards feeding they will die.
So I took some pictures here. Hopefully you will be able to see what I am talking about as far as the yellow spots and the fact that the leaves are curling and dieing at the ends.

I am hoping that TBG and Stoney can give me a little insight as to what the heck is going on because I sure don't know.








I would say get your temps under control, don't over water, and make sure your ph is on. Your plants don't look to bad so let them heal from the high heat and overwatering then take another look in a couple of days. But I'm no pro, 55
lookin good pussum, i forgot that you started a grow journal.

doesnt look like anything to be alarmed over with your plants. could even have just been some water spots on the leaves from where you watered them and it discolored the leaves. the rest of the plants look good an healthy!

keep up the good work man!!

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