i need some help i got caught with some weed paraphanilia

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once your family knows you smoke they consider you a loser,thats fucked up,telling you to get a job and crap,and think your buying drugs with there money .weve all smoke ,and if you dint you coundnt relate
In my opinion, Lying is excusable when your doing it to cover your ass or your good friends, but in your situation I really do not think lying will save you. They are going to drug test you no matter what if its a drug related thing, and then after catching you in that lie everything you say will be discredited. They have already got you with drug paraphenilia(SP?) and that is against the rules no matter who you were 'holding' it for. If a cop were to walk up to your car and ask if there was anything illegal in there, the answer would be no no matter what is in there but in your case i think its much to late for a lie to save you.
there was no cops at the school though .. they just had some drug sniffing dogs there for that school and they sniffed my backpack and found the zig zag and a bowl . NO WEED in it but yeah .. they asked if i smoked before i said yeah along time ago and they ask how much i do it i said 2 tiems a month
Suck it up.

Just tell the truth and get it over with. Lying will only worsen what's going to happen.

You're not going to be in that much trouble. Fine, Unsupervised Probation, and maybe some Comm. Service. Not really that bad. That's what I got caught for drinking underage with weed and a pipe on me.
nah im probably gnna get it worse because i have to goto court on april 6th and i have to goto a meeting with a probation officer on the 27th .. so im fucked! haha
so basically my schedule is
Mar 13 . school meeting Prinicpal & Superintendent .. for the zig zags and bowl
Mar 27 . Probation officer meeting
April 6 . court

so yeah basically fucked
thats fucked up all that for a bong and some zig zags,your screwed.
worst thing is probation will get you locked up over petty shit
oh i dont have probation yet . i have to go meet up with the officer for some reason but im not on probation right now

probation + court is for something else
trust me dude,your on probation .they told me the same thing.this is how they get you.you go to court and they send you strait down to your new probation oficer.they dont call you there for nothing,because if you werent going to be on probation you wouldnt have to go meet her at all.you think your going to meet and just leave,there bringing you there to sign the papers.then they give you this bullshit lie and say ,will decide if your a good candidat.bs they have there thought made up before you walk in the door.youll see for yourself,not trying to scare you ,but youll see for yourself.when i was your age ,i was in denial to about everything
ohhh what!? arent they suppose to tell you that your on probation? because ive never even met the p.o. before .. and before i got into a fight at school and i got arrested i was suppose to goto court but i went to some other PO and then she said that all i had to do was meet up with the guy i fought and say sorry or something and then nothing else everhappend
Kid i tell you what.... imma tell you something

I had gotten into some shit a while back.. one of my friends stole a pipe of mine... took it to work... gave it to someone else.. and the last thing to happen is another friend had to search this chick who had my pipe, and low and behold what is the last thing she finds but my pipe... she knew it was mine... me and her smoked out of it regularly... anyway so.. after that.. this chick who i didn't even know had my shit.. told them it was mine... so cops called.... and she was all like i don't smoke pot.. it's hers.. and shit.. got into an interview with the state trooper.. he goes.. is this pipe yours.... my answer.. my thought... tell the truth... I told him.. yes, this is my pipe for personal use, how it got here i'm not sure, but yes it is mine. he asked me.. who else had acess to my stuff.. i told him.. he got in contact with this other chick.. and shit was sorted out.. I miss that pipe, but i told the truth.. I was threated with jail time for possession of para. and for possession of a narcotic... because there was like, not even a hits worth of weed in the bowl.... but they couldn't prove it was me.. who had it.. even though the cop said he respected me for telling the truth... I still lost my job though.. which is bullshit because i wasn't even the one with the pipe on me... but.. whatever the past is the past... but i must say.. what were you thinking taking that into school??? Honestly that was just stupid... tell the truth and deal with it.. Be able to handle the effects of your actions.... Don't Lie.... it's the worst thing you can do.

I'm not picking on you by no means. I am not acting like a parent (even though I am one). I'm gonna show you what you have told us. Then I'm gonna give you a traight up opinion. I am taking your side dude.

The following was said by you (cut sections out each post):
15 why wsup? your probably gnna say im too young to smoke or somethin huh?

and before i got into a fight at school and i got arrested i was suppose to goto court but i went to some other PO and then she said that all i had to do was meet up with the guy i fought and say sorry or something and then nothing else everhappend
today at school we had a police dog come by and it sniffed my back pack and it found zig zags and a metal cap used for a bowl with resin in it.. i got suspended and my whole family knows now.. and ima get in hardcore trouble so basically my schedule is
Mar 13 . school meeting Prinicpal & Superintendent .. for the zig zags and bowl
Mar 27 . Probation officer meeting
April 6 . court
So what your telling me is that you have been through the court system once already for fighting and now drug charges and you only 15?
Dude, you need to get your head together. You sound like one pissed off dude at something I don't know what. Family or shit I don't know. but you need to get your shit straight. You think its bad now. Wait until you a legal adult. Fighting=Assault (which is jail time). Zig-Zags and bowl=drug paraphenalia possesion.
Dude your startin on a hard lonely path. Get staightened out dude. Think of it this way. Do good in school, get a good job. Then you will have money to buy all these cool toys for growing. ;) Use your head dude. battle through it. It doesn't matter whats right or wrong. You did wrong by the law, you gotta take what they give you. Just keep you head up and look them dead in the eye. Judges and shit like that. Shows em you take it like a man. not a little kid. ;)
i dunno about all your guys states or where you come from.. but i tell you what... here your likely to get anywhere up to 14 years for possesion of paraphenalia.... you can get into a deeper shit for having a way to smoke marijuana rather than having the marijuana to smoke.... yeah...
okay your situation is way diffrent from when i got caught at school cuz when i got caught i was with 2 girs who they saw smoking on camera and then me in the middle but they didnt see me smoking the only thing that happen was when sercurty was taking us i drop my shit and everyone went to go pick it up wich was caught on camera so now they caught me with possesion not smoking okay well i got suspended for a week no ticket but i was very smart in my situation yeah i had stuff on me and thats all they had on me but they had no proof of me smoking or that the stuff was mine i even asked them to show me the tape of me smoking and they said no why cuz they they didnt have shit on me i even took a test and pass it i did lie and got away with the only person who didnt believe me was my dad yeah i told him yeah i did smoke i did take hit he didnt care all he said was ok good at least you had balls to tell me even though i lied to the school all i have to say is if your gonna lie watch what you say and stick to the same story dont get nerves dont look suspect and the school cant test you they only got alchol testing i learn my listen i never take my shit to school i stay away from my freinds when they smoking in school cuz i dont wanna go threw that shit again if i smoke b4 i go and they cant sa shit for me looking high even if i smell like it they cant say shit why cuz i dont nuthing on me and probation officers do test you from what i heard
Umm..... School = Education ... Smoking pot + Education = What?

What is with all these kids takin shit into school.... isn't school for learning anymore.... did i miss this memo...

For all those kids out there reading these posts.. please please please stop taking drugs into schools... it's not the time.. or the place for them.. Thank You...
soofaded said:
there was no cops at the school though .. they just had some drug sniffing dogs there for that school and they sniffed my backpack and found the zig zag and a bowl . NO WEED in it but yeah .. they asked if i smoked before i said yeah along time ago and they ask how much i do it i said 2 tiems a month

If the dogs handler had a uniform on, then the dog is a police officer as well.
Sounds silly, but that's what they do with the dogs. So if the handler had a uniform, then there was two officerss there.

It's your life tell them what you want.
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