I got busted last night yall

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Sorry to hear this Maine, hope all goes well and you find a new place to live soon, I would suggest Colorado!!
I have been living in this place for about seven months and have smoked every day Ive been here. She has known that I smoked the whole time and has never had a bad thing to say to me. She has always been a very nice woman and I very rarely see her. I guess she went through a rough breakup and has locked herself in her apt and just drinks constantly. Outside of her door there is hundreds of empty wine bottles. I think she was out of her mind and had no idea what she was doing. All of the cops were laughing their asses off and making fun of her because she was so drunk and nobody could get a straight storey out of her. Then she changed her storey, said she never called the cops and locked them out of the building and thats how it ended. A warrent would be useless to them now. We have a few local politicions that are trying to get marijuana completely legal in maine and put like a 7% sales tax on it. Soon enough it will be legal and yes I am going to be trying to get my card asap now. I have cronic pain in my lower back where I have had a pilonydal abcess for the past 12 years. I have had multiple surgeries,missed a few years of work because of it, and been sliced open in the er a couple more times to drain it but it never goes away. I think its so funny how they will prescribe you some opiate like percocet or oxys with no problem but nobody wants to write a script for mj.
If you have any of those medical records you can get one no problem! Just pulled up on the info site of dispensaries and dr's I've looked at and it has Maine, but clicking on Dr's goes to detroit's list for some reason. I'm sure with a little searching online you can find a clinic, or care center solely focused on MMJ. Good luck man.
I know being "guilty", having plants in your appt, it was the first reaction to grab em and run. Looking back, maybe a talk with the cops pointing at the drunk *** landlord falling over would have ended in a minute, and you'd still have the girls. Sorry if that seems rude to say now. It has just happened to me with other things in the past, maybe its good for us all to think of if this ever should happen to any of us in the future.
Again, best of luck with the whole situation man.
Sorry for the unfortunate series of events Maine.

I don't mean to be a Monday morning qb here, but if I understand you:

....the landlady was loaded and tells you she called the cops.

....you rip out your plants and go running down the street.

.....the cops do show up, WITHOUT A WARRANT, and see you running away from them with a handful of pot????

.....they chase you down.

.....the cops are laughing at the drunk landlady?

.....and you get busted.

I think that's why it's important to stay calm in these situations. Must be a small town you live in and the cops were probably there to check HER out more than you. A simple "She's been getting crazy lately and accusing me of all kind of stuff" probably would have had them haunting her instead of you.

Again- sorry for the circumstances. Tell your girl to get her card tomorrow. If you can apply for one yourself. Hopefully your previous stint was unrelated to mj. I wish you good luck.
You should get a cigarette joint. Go to her place, knock on the door and when she opens the door take a big drag and blow it right in her ugly face...........I mean hey. It's just a rolled cig. What's she gonna do? Make a complaint that someone blew cig smoke in her face. That would be a riot in the 911 dispatch center.....LOL!
Wow man, really sorry to hear that. I hope everything settles out ok. Karma's a bitch, just remember that.
This was a pretty unfortunate event. Although I can sympathize with your reasons for grabbing the plants and running, I think reality is trying to teach you a lesson with experience. If you remember your 4th amendment rights and know how to use it properly, then you won't be forced to combine it with your 2nd amendment rights :D

Although the way things are going in some states, 4th amendment rights mean nothing anymore.

I will keep you in my prayers man. You, your wife, and most importantly, your kid. I hope the best works out for you all.
You said that they did NOT read you your rights? If thats the case, then they must throw the case out and you cannot be charged with anything. Bring that point up if anything happens in the future. Have your girl testify and tell them to play the cops car camera. If its not heard on the tape then it didnt happen.

The judge will be forced to through it out regardless of what you did and youll be scott free with nothing struck against you.

Keep your head up man, and try your best to get the drunk driver off the road. What if she hit someone who has a child in the car? You got to call her in if she keeps it up.
I don't know how it goes in Maine, but in most places, getting arrested for illegal activity is grounds for eviction. Instead of planning revenge, I'd be looking to relocate to another rental property that doesn't have a drunk landlord living on the property. Also, I'd count it as a life lesson and MAYBE even go so far as to run a background check on your next landlord or next door neighbor.

Many years ago I had a drunk for a landlady. One night while I was at work she came into my place and let my little yorkie out. Her exscuse when I got right into her face at 4AM was that she was worried he was peeing on her carpet????? According to the contract, she had the right to enter IF she felt her property was in danger????? I knew it was a stretch but what do you do except protect yourself. The drunk slag was standing there on her porch yelling at me and telling me she wanted me to move.

Well, I didn't wana live in that drama so I forfeited the deposit and I moved the first of the month. I was too mad to even talk to her and didn't bother with notice. There's probably as many messed up landlords as there are nightmare tennant experiences. Cut your losses and be prepared to relocate. Give your 30 day (or whatever your contract says) notice today so at least she has to return your deposit. She doesn't have to do that if she makes the first move and evicts you. Cover your tail and consider it a lesson learned.
Hungarian Gypsy said:
DADGUM!! Sorry to hear about that Maine. To heck withthat drunken land lady..............more like "land "witch"!!!!!! I don't know if it will help your case, but when you go to court, definitely mention the Miranda rights and the seat belt part of your arrest. I don't know if it will help your case, but hopefully the cops will get a good tongue lashing. Dude, just remember you and your fam are good people. I just hope that land lady doesn't decide to go drunk driving and kill someone. She's doing her body no good by drinking. While she's long gone (dead) from cirrhosis of the liver, ya'll will be living happy healthy lives. I know this is a real strain on you and your family. It's some serious stuffand I'm not trying to make light of the situation by my sarcasm. It's just I hate people like that witch. Old drunken, nosy witchs annoy the hell outta me.

Miranda rights aren't given except in serious criminal cases...murder etc. You have no grounds to fight from that point of view...sorry! You can definitely complain and maybe even threaten to sue for putting you at risk for not putting you in the seatbelt...but doubtful at best! The cops won't get a tongue lashing, they'll likely not even hear about it at all....

So very sorry to hear this, Maine, definitely get a lawyer if they start playing hardball...and yes, be ready for CPS!
Miranda rights protect you from giving evidence against yourself by running your mouth. Thats it. You're usually only Mirandized if they conduct a "post" arrest interview.

But they still have you running ftom the apt' with an arm load of plants. I wouldn't count on the Miranda arguement to hold water ;)

The police must advise suspects of their "Miranda Rights" - their right to remain silent, their right to an attorney, and the right to an appointed attorney if they are unable to afford counsel - prior to conducting a custodial interrogation. If a suspect is not in police custody (i.e., "under arrest"), the police do not have to warn him of his rights.

The police are very aware of when they have to read suspects their "Miranda Rights." The police will frequently question a suspect, specifically telling the suspect, "You are not under arrest, and are free to go. However, we would like you to answer some questions." After the suspect voluntarily answers questions, and sometimes if he refuses, he is arrested. The questioning, being voluntary and non-custodial, is usually admissible. After arrest, the police may have no interest in further questioning, and thus may not ever read the suspect his "Miranda Rights."
After I got to the jail I told the COs that the cops never read me my rights and they said that is only on tv. They said the only time your rights have to read is if you are going to be interegated. Not sure if thats true but thats what they said.

As for the landlord I am not going to try to get revenge in any way. I seriously dont think she remembers any of it. She is not a mean or trashy person at all. She owns a few houses, drives a mercedes, and hangs out with milfs like women from that Real Housewives tv show. She is not your typical poor drunk that you might be picturing.

When she came to the door and said she called the cops she said they would be here in ten minutes I thought I had time to ditch the plants. I had no idea that they were already outside, I basically ran right into them. My adrenalin just kicked in and I ran. They didnt even try to figure out was going on between the landlord and I and what our connection was. They just arrested me, couldnt get a word out of her and left. I think they were confused about the whole thing.
I think they were confused about the whole thing.
They get a call from someone trashed, makes some sense but not much.
Someone was in the area and took the call.
Drunk Landlord carrying on, Dude running out the back with arm load of plants, wine bottles everywhere, and the drunk landlady still carrying on.
Yep I can see where it would get confusing. :laugh:
Cops always show up at the wrong time ;)
Sorry for your troubles Maine...that sucks.
Get that Medical bro....protect yourself.
I just got my new beans in the mail today. Hows that for a kick in the balls.
maineharvest said:
I just got my new beans in the mail today. Hows that for a kick in the balls.

That just ain't right bro.....hope things work out for ya.
So the landlord just came, gave me her business card, and asked me to keep an eye on the building cause she is leaving for a while and there were intruders in her apartment the other night. She has no idea what happened that night. I kept asking her more questions and she starting shaking like she was crazy nervous and her armpits started pouring sweat and she looked like she was going to cry. She is convinced that people broke into her place and were using the bathroom. She is so scared that she has left with a friend and is not coming back for a while. Can you say crazy!
Maine dont walk....run away....fast. She is bonkers....:holysheep:
Hand the keys to some local homeless folk and walk away merrily...
Theres plenty of homeless people around. Hobo jungle is right up the street.

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