sooo, old thread, I just wanted to update it and tell you how i solved my ph problem, and that is by buying a brand new bluelab ph pen, it was just above 100$ over 1 year ago, the other day, i was hopeless from it, i thought it was so slow to give a reading that it must be almost dead, so i decided to go a bit more thorough on the cleaning with toothbrush and dish soap, then calibrated and hydrated it overnight, i was so surprised to see it back to its original speed, actually i can swear that it was never that fastI consider every day above 1 year on a probe to be a good lifetime, and i think that this probe will last a while longer. It is a very high quality piece and i love it.
sopappy I worry that vinegar might hurt the probe, also it is not recommended to store in distilled water, the right storage solution is normally KCl but i don't know the effect of any if these
I have 2 containers full of water. one is a solo cup of straight water that I use for rinsing my probe. The second container is a measuring cup that I keep Kcl solution in for storing my pen. I never put my cap back on anymore. I just keep it in the cup of Kcl solution when i'm not using it. I rinse and dry off the extra water every time I pull it out and then rinse it again before putting it back in the "storage" cup. This has proven to give my pH pen long life and accuracy. Doing this method, I only have to recalibrate every couple months.![]()
If you look close at the center of the pic, you can see my Bluelab pen sitting in a measuring glass. You can see some of the potassium salt climbing up the side of the pen. I ignore it until it gets a little thick then I rinse it off in the red cup that is sitting in the tape roll. Tape rolls are great for keeping cups of water from getting knocked over![]()
Red cup in foreground is solution from the rez that I was fixin to check. Yeti cup is mountain dew, my other addiction.
I just have to keep repeating to myself... don't drink from the red cup :doh: