I am so mad today I eat nails!!!!!

  • Thread starter northernlightssmokn
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the founders of this country are rolling in their graves. I read somewhere that China owns a very large portion of the house's in the United States. Explain to me why we have no use for Cuba however everything is made in China??? It needs to be a real good explanation.
as for the auto makers, let them sink. 17 million a year spent on viagra for employes, payin workers $87.00 an hour. heres where someones gonna get mad, if the auto makers union would help them out, match wages with other car companies with plants in the U.S.
clanchattan said:
i think it has more to do with the greed heads that want to do away with government oversight of the u.s. financial system, than individual Americans general financial irresponsibility. look at it this way,

5years ago a lot of people who bought houses at GROSSLY inflated prices were given (in the case of good credit), or forced to take (in he case of marginal credit), shakey adjustible rate morgages if they wanted to own they're own home. lending companies sweetened these deals, which anyone can see are bad news by dint of being adjustable, by offering low to no down payments and low starting APR percentages, all the while assuring anyone who cared to listen that while the rates were adjustable, the chance of ballooning rates were minimal. this enabled people to go out and buy houses that they now can't afford.

no one from congress raised an alarm and anyone with one eye and half a brain knows that:

1. anything adjustible out of your control that affects what you are paying for anything is a bad deal from the get - go.

2. no down payment = no equity, and is used to attract buyers who are marginally qualified for the amount they are trying to secure, and as bait to get the marginally qualified to sign such bad deals in the first place.

3. How do you know when a real estate agent is lying? when they're lips are moving. THEY WORK FOR COMMISSION!

I have to disagree with you about it being more the big greedheads rather than individual Americans general financial irresponsibility. Well, its a big mix of both, but the American populous let themselves get taken for a ride. I mean, you went ahead and listed out reasons for our current predicament, and they largely point to a greedy American consumer using it's money irresponsiblly. I put these examples in bold. People asking for loans/mortgages should be just as discriminating, safe and realistic with their budget as a good bank should. It's not just the banks fault for giving out shoddy loans to persons with marginal credit, the person takes an equal share of the blame when they sign the dotted line and take the money.

In my mind all this is just the Father Time pulling America off to the side by her arm and telling her she can't live like this. Just a little wake up call.

Whoa, sorry for the rant. Don't mean to sound preachy, I definately got screwed myself and I really don't think you guys are the general American public I'm talking about. You guys are better :hubba: (hell, half you guys aren't even american!)

hurry.. I hear the skit is being pulled/edited at every release..:confused2:...
in my opinion we have all grown lax and smug in our way of living.we take for granted all the things that make our lives so easy.men are no longer men,as the generations change,survival skills are lost on the ones that have never been hungry.i piss alot of people off here in mi. because of my stance on many political subjects.people here as elsewher are losing their homes,cars,jobs and all their security blankets.
what this country needs is another depression.sure it will be hard,but the strong will survive.they did it before.some killed themselves,millionaires became paupers and etc.the man that knew how to hunt,fish and forage for food survives.people now days do not even know how to survive in the wilderness.they go camping in a 300,000 dollar motor home.real survivors there.the ac quits and they are btching.well its time for this country to learn from its mistakes.like individuals,we have had it easy for way too long.think about it if they start rationing like they did in the great depression.sheet,all these panty waists would flop over like fish out of water.we need to be hungry to appreciate what we did have.then the ones that survive will be better for it.when money is no good,what do you do?most would cry like babies.
realize we did this to ourselves,with the help of the government.when you step in sheet,you clean it off and keep walking.you do not throw away the shoes.
tighten up all,for the ride has just begun.and i hope it happens,not to punish,but for the betterment of mankind.
I am looking around my house. My work pants are Carhart and boots are whites. My apliances are kenmore. If it is made in North America (Mexico, Canada, GOOD OL' US of A) I GLADLY pay more. China may be able to masproduce crap but they have no ability to produce quality. Want a truck that lasts...BUY A CHEVY Want boots that last...BUY WHITES....Pants...Carharts...

If you do not support your local econimy you are.....

Well anyway, I just wanted to vent...I honestly didnt think that anyone would bite and actualy post in the thread.
really ???? thats awesome....just goes to show you,...KARMA"S A ***** !!!!

No!!! That shows that when they want you, they will get you.
andy52 said:
in my opinion we have all grown lax and smug in our way of living.we take for granted all the things that make our lives so easy.men are no longer men,as the generations change,survival skills are lost on the ones that have never been hungry.i piss alot of people off here in mi. because of my stance on many political subjects.people here as elsewher are losing their homes,cars,jobs and all their security blankets.
what this country needs is another depression.sure it will be hard,but the strong will survive.they did it before.some killed themselves,millionaires became paupers and etc.the man that knew how to hunt,fish and forage for food survives.people now days do not even know how to survive in the wilderness.they go camping in a 300,000 dollar motor home.real survivors there.the ac quits and they are btching.well its time for this country to learn from its mistakes.like individuals,we have had it easy for way too long.think about it if they start rationing like they did in the great depression.sheet,all these panty waists would flop over like fish out of water.we need to be hungry to appreciate what we did have.then the ones that survive will be better for it.when money is no good,what do you do?most would cry like babies.
realize we did this to ourselves,with the help of the government.when you step in sheet,you clean it off and keep walking.you do not throw away the shoes.
tighten up all,for the ride has just begun.and i hope it happens,not to punish,but for the betterment of mankind.
thats it in a nut shell
Hey man if you want to retaliate without being violent, just file chapter 7 bankrupcy on them. Yea your credit will be shot, but look at us now, in 3 more years credit wont mean anything anyways. With all the vehicle manufactures going upside down, all these MAJOR BANKS going BANKRUPT. I say they hell with them, and i would leave them hanging. Just my opinion, so take that with a grain of salt. BUT LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
You know....pot saves lives....lol
Can you amagine a world free of pot and happy pills....
Millions of sober stoners and pill poppers....
Pot saves lives...

I just noticed that the upgrade I did to LED from HPS, meant that I abandonded my American made ballast for a chinese made LED.......I'm a traitor:bolt:
BOOO!!!!! TRAITOR!!!!!!!! benedict (northernlightssmokn) arnold!

oh crap! my keyboard is chineese........i gotta go cut my fingers off.........brb


For the record, My Computer is an HP made is AMERICA...LOL

Hey and so is my Micron home computer.

I wonder if DELL makes theyre computers in America?? Theyre call center is in India I think.... I hate Dell anyway...great products but lowsy support.
I feel for you northernlightsmokn. But you are certainly not the only one in this boat. The S.S. Financial Crisis is filled to the brim with good, hard working American people, and it is still boarding. My own family is losing their home due to foreclosure, and since my father was laid off, they are forced to live off of what is left of their savings. To think that our government is willing to help the large corporations, and not hard-working, TAX-PAYING Americans. The thought sickens me to the core. The best thing you can do in times like this is keep your head up. Hope for sunshine, but prepare for rain.

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