I am so mad today I eat nails!!!!!

  • Thread starter northernlightssmokn
  • Start date
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Ok I know....grow forums=no spin zones....

Well this is the coffee table....

I am 100% AMERICAN!! I drive a GMC truck and a Chevy car. My house is financed through GMAC. I pay my bills, have OK credit and dont break the law.

I got a letter in the mail that informed me that my home loan was sold and I needed to contact my new mortgage company. The new company wants $15 to make a payment online and only uses Western Union's wire transfer and the money is processed overseas. I was on hold for 40 minutes to talk to someone from a middle eastern country. They have no local offices and made no effort to reverse the sale. GMAC simply sent me a "dear john letter"

My bank cut my credit card limit by 60% even though I pay my card OFF every month and I am NEVER late or over the limit.

Bolth of these letters were in the mail together.

I am not a violent person by any means but I am so mad and let down than even I want to retaliate somehow.

But what? ANY act of aggression is now terrorism or a hate crime. I have no legal action.

How many Americans must pay the price for the gambeling debts of large overseas and domestic insurance companies.

People like Marc Emory and Opra should combine forces and educate Americans and Canadians on how to fight back with out fear of punishment... Sooner or later punishment alone will not be a deterant for the MILLIONS of angry people that are victoms of our own "government"!!

Ive smoked a joint, chopped some firewood and I am still so ANGRY!!!!!
I feel so betrayed.

Am I the only one or are we the only country being raped by our government!!!!!?????

Racial slur removed by Smokinmom.
Hey there northernlightssmokn,

Yeppers, the same thing happened to me and mine. I remember that I was feeling very confused and irate at it all, but then a hoober or two later, ( I applaud your chopping wood to let off steam), we took stock and asked ourselves can they do this legally. The answer is yes they can sell your mortgage, it does happen all the time since real estate is used as a trade item, BUT they cannot legally assess you for more than what you agreed to in the contract.

I would consider talking with a reputable lender, if your interest points have dropped even a point and a half then you might want to consider refinancing with a good local firm.

As for the credit card company, I would contact them and ask questions smoothly and calmly and if they throw too much garbage at you then politly tell them that you will be closing the account with them as soon as the last payments have been dealt with.

I refuse to pay interest to any card company, so I pay off every month too. Remember that they lose big time every time that they lose a holder.
You can work this thing to your own interests as long as you stop and think through your moves, and then go about it with utmost patience. Remember that you catch more with honey than you do with vinager.

smoke in peace
KingKahuuna :cool:
northernlightssmokn said:
I was on hold for 40 minutes to talk to a

Yea awesome dude, because comments like this really make me feel for people like you.

Large gambling debts of overseas and domestic insurance companies?? Perhaps you should just blame your current situation on American greed, apathy and continued wastefulness that has been prevalent in our society for years and years now. Maybe if people stopped blaming their government for all their woes and actually took proactive steps to make changes we would be in a better situation. More often than not people just like to complain. Been there, done that...moved on.
Seems to me,

That we are pretty good at solving issues and problems. We all have good and healthy minds that can address even the biggest stuff that should happen our way.

I look at it all with being shrewd, tight fisted with my denari, (coin), and how do I work it so I will be the happy one in the end.

Nice looking pieces you got there, but what will that do other than take a life or two,(possibly yours), nothing ever really gets settled that way, people get hurt, or scared, and then you ask yourself why am I spending the rest of my life locked up ? Not the way I want to live.

Ask yourself if you would rather have a swimming pool and plenty to eat and live and smoke and at least one beautiful person to hang out with. Then use your heads and think it all through and just out fox them, then you will have it your way.
Me ? I opt for my own little paradise, the other scares me.
smoke in peace
KingKahuuna :cool:


Picture 058.jpg
northernlightssmokin- I'd be irate too. USA is really goin down the crapper. I got screwed too just yesterday, tho its different then what happened to you.

TheEnhancementSmoker said:
I'm having a fantastic day, as OJ just got sent to prison for a long, long time.
really ???? thats awesome....just goes to show you,...KARMA"S A ***** !!!!
As hard as the current finacial strains are, I think that it's much needed wake up call for most Americans. Sounds like you guys got the crap end of the stick, but for many young Americans, I think this recession is a valuable lesson. Young people are finally learning that money IS NOT intangible credit lines and that there are consequences for poor financial planning. I think if we didn't have a recession now to get our younger generation straight, we would have a full blown depression down the line when Americas general financial irresposibility finally catches up with itself.
as a true american, i feel the majority of our nations citizens have literally been robbed and our fore fathers have been cheated...mj laws are a perfect example of this . i remember the first time i read MANIFEST DESTINY and A CALL TO ARMS....war is not pretty,but as long as there are greedy people, us good folks must be willing to fight for our rights because those who aim to oppress good citizens surely will not stop short of force...violence is ugly and it saddens me to look around and see america's position today, but will i lay down and except it ??? no, i shall sacrifice myself if it leads to a better tomorrow... i do not see the color of skin, i simply distinguish friend from foe
blancolighter said:
Is that an FN FAL next to the m4, puff?
sure is:D the mag isn't in all the way though...just noticed that...gotta love .308

i swear, if li lived a past life, i was GEN.Patton

did you guys know that in the times shortly after WWII we, america EXPORTED 90% of the worlds traded goods ???? what happend ????

omnigr33n said:
Yea awesome dude, because comments like this really make me feel for people like you.

Large gambling debts of overseas and domestic insurance companies?? Perhaps you should just blame your current situation on American greed, apathy and continued wastefulness that has been prevalent in our society for years and years now. Maybe if people stopped blaming their government for all their woes and actually took proactive steps to make changes we would be in a better situation. More often than not people just like to complain. Been there, done that...moved on.
ok, so comments like that aren't exactly PC, well, if america had every dollar it GAVE to countries that hate us anyway, we would not be in the position we are ALL in today.....for many many years our country gave and gave and gave and NONE of it was apriciated...now that we need help noone is there to lend a hand....let alone a few dollars
did you guys know that in the times shortly after WWII we, america EXPORTED 90% of the worlds traded goods ???? what happend ????

Businesses got greedy, transferred operations to foreign countries where they can take advantage of cheaper labor. I lost my job to this kind of shift 2 times in the last 5 years.

We import because people will pay the same price for something that took 1/4 the cost to produce when they moved operations. Were on track to loose our automotive industry as well. You think its bad now? Just wait.
ugmjfarmer said:
Businesses got greedy, transferred operations to foreign countries where they can take advantage of cheaper labor. I lost my job to this kind of shift 2 times in the last 5 years.

We import because people will pay the same price for something that took 1/4 the cost to produce when they moved operations. Were on track to loose our automotive industry as well. You think its bad now? Just wait.
it all comes down to greed...i as have many of my elderly friend, have foreseen this, the state of things to come...it's a good thing that i and my closets friends and family have embraced the survivalist lifestyle ...this all goes back to what i always preach...responsibility...seems some americans have neglected their responsibility to america by being greedy and moving needed jobs to areas of the world and exploiting local economic situations(low wages)...i angers and saddens the core of my being..
So I went out and ran around on the wheeler than thought about my situation. Its not as bad as it seams I guess. My issue is with the way it plays out..
GM is my old pickup and my NEW Truck
Gmac sells my HOME loan to a FORIEGN mortgage firm....
Gmac fianance cuts my credit line and raises my rates...
GM goes to congress and whines that they need 7 BILLION TAX DOLLARS to keep operating in AMERICA. As a tax payer and a GM and GMAC cusomer I find this repulsive and ignorant.

Granted, I find it equaly repulsive that Americans buy foriegn cars because IF we supported our local industry and auto makers, there would be no auto crisis today. I find it criminal that people choose to live a lavish life that they can not afford to pay for. I AM not blaming my government, I am blaming society as a whole...the government, tax payer, lenders....we..(even me) are all someway involved.... I just find it ironic that GMAC of all companies would sell a loan TODAY in this econimy to an overseas company.

I know...I cant spell...lol
Yo Ho northernlightssmokn,

You sound like you are a bit older than I thought at first. I like your attitude, and what you do to chill and then think. cool move.

Myself, I would like to vote on how much taxes a company has to pay, heck I can't blame business owners for their wanting to get away from our high tax rate. What is it now 33% compared to 11% when they get away from the USA ? I guess I can understand that pretty easy stuff. Now my question is WHO sets these rates ?

It's kinda like the deal with senators creating their own retirement packages. They don't get SSI they get something that they themselves created. You guys should check it out.

Read the book, " The fleecing of America" that will hair you out. !!!!
Glad that I taught, and still do teach survival skills.

smoke in peace
KingKahuuna :cool:
blancolighter said:
I think if we didn't have a recession now to get our younger generation straight, we would have a full blown depression down the line when Americas general financial irresposibility finally catches up with itself.

i think it has more to do with the greed heads that want to do away with government oversight of the u.s. financial system, than individual Americans general financial irresponsibility. look at it this way,

5 years ago a lot of people who bought houses at GROSSLY inflated prices were given (in the case of good credit), or forced to take (in he case of marginal credit), shakey adjustible rate morgages if they wanted to own they're own home. lending companies sweetened these deals, which anyone can see are bad news by dint of being adjustable, by offering low to no down payments and low starting APR percentages, all the while assuring anyone who cared to listen that while the rates were adjustable, the chance of ballooning rates were minimal. this enabled people to go out and buy houses that they now can't afford.

no one from congress raised an alarm and anyone with one eye and half a brain knows that:

1. anything adjustible out of your control that affects what you are paying for anything is a bad deal from the get - go.

2. no down payment = no equity, and is used to attract buyers who are marginally qualified for the amount they are trying to secure, and as bait to get the marginally qualified to sign such bad deals in the first place.

3. How do you know when a real estate agent is lying? when they're lips are moving. THEY WORK FOR COMMISSION!

the lack of oversight of the lending institutions led to this mess were in. imo. if your $1000 morgage is now running you $1800, how can you go get a loan to buy a new car? now the automakers are in trouble because:

1. you can't get credit to get a new vehicle.

2. there's no credit because most of the auto financers lend for homes and are presently taking it deep.

3. you can't afford the payments if you can get credit, because your upside down on your house.

plenty of honest people are getting ripped apart because the people who are appointed to watch out for them are stacking alot of cash from the very companies they were appointed to oversee.

Why not? let the wolves herd the sheep.

an idea on par with the ARM loan.

rant over........
sure is:D the mag isn't in all the way though...just noticed that...gotta love .308

i swear, if li lived a past life, i was GEN.Patton

did you guys know that in the times shortly after WWII we, america EXPORTED 90% of the worlds traded goods ???? what happend ????

ok, so comments like that aren't exactly PC, well, if america had every dollar it GAVE to countries that hate us anyway, we would not be in the position we are ALL in today.....for many many years our country gave and gave and gave and NONE of it was appreciated...now that we need help no one is there to lend a hand....let alone a few dollars

What happened was that industrialized nations switched over from manufacturing as a prime staple of their economy to services while the industrial developing nations have turned to manufacturing..its the way of developing world economy. It's not a bad thing. In fact we are putting a lot of pressure on China to start and do the same. They are pissing off the world, but they could care less lol. While we give the finger to the world in loud and brash ways. They do it silently.

Plus, you are running under a misconception if you believe that we devote a lot of money to foreign aid. This is incorrect. We are loathe to give and have not fulfilled many of our promises. Last to give aid, first to cut it.

"2005 saw $27,622,000,000 in foreign aid from the US, coming in first in absolute numbers, but 20th as a percentage of GNI at 0.22%" These are 'real' numbers supposedly.

ugmjfarmer said:
Businesses got greedy, transferred operations to foreign countries where they can take advantage of cheaper labor. I lost my job to this kind of shift 2 times in the last 5 years.

We import because people will pay the same price for something that took 1/4 the cost to produce when they moved operations. Were on track to loose our automotive industry as well. You think its bad now? Just wait.

Perhaps if the US stayed competitive in the world economy by placing importance on such things as education and infrastructures we wouldn't be in such a mess. So the rest of the world is catching up? I don't see this as a bad thing. There are growing middle classes in China and India and why shouldn't they be entitled to everything that we take for granted. America needs to wake up now. We are starting to share the world stage with other players. I am all for this.

northernlightssmokn said:
Granted, I find it equaly repulsive that Americans buy foriegn cars because IF we supported our local industry and auto makers, there would be no auto crisis today. I find it criminal that people choose to live a lavish life that they can not afford to pay for. I AM not blaming my government, I am blaming society as a whole...the government, tax payer, lenders....we..(even me) are all someway involved.... I just find it ironic that GMAC of all companies would sell a loan TODAY in this econimy to an overseas company.

So people should go out and buy inferior products for more just because they are American? People should spend their hard earned money in an industry that has failed to adapt to the times over what? Three decades now? Oh cmon. It's called free market capitalism. It is the world we live in today and if people want to spend money on foreign cars that are more reliable and fuel efficient then they should. Otherwise why don't we just nationalize all our industries, put huge tariffs on all imported goods and just force people to buy American? How great would that be.

Just because you buy American cars doesn't make you more of an American. I for one do not American cars. I am not going to put my hard earned money into crappy products for the sake of being a good american. Take a look around your house and tell me how much of all your stuff was made in America and not China/India/Indonesia/etc. Unless you want to pay $400 for a pair of sneakers that you would be normally getting for $50 or so if not less. That is just a very simple way of looking at mind you. It is way more complex than that, but I don't have the patience to get into it. It's the gist of it right htere though and one would be hard pressed to argue a point otherwise in my opinion.
SmokinMom said:
northernlightssmokin- I'd be irate too. USA is really goin down the crapper. I got screwed too just yesterday, tho its different then what happened to you.


USA is sending everyone down the Crapper
if we think about it for a minute, all of these companies that you think are owned by amarica are publicly traded companies so its owned by share holders not america, those share holders are from around the world. not just the U.S. greed is something that effects us all. i don't think we should give any of them a dime. they helped dig this hole let them help fill it back in.

if i lose 10,000 in vagas then who bails me out, nobody thats who. when they invested money on a market that go's up or down they knew the risk from the beginning. the same for the banks. they maid these loans knowing what was going to happen to most of them. they approved the loan they knew the risk.

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