
my turn to quit today, i had my last bud just yesterday, i decided not to keep any joint for today, i find it easier to not smoke any than to smoke only one or 2 in the day since when i smoke some i want more and more until i get totally buzzed. well i decided i am not going to buy any and it is my 1st day today

ive been awake for few hours i feeling ok, i feel like a joint im not gona lie lol i feel like i can smoke an ounce now but i am dealing with it easily. just to let you know, i used to smoke like 3-4 small joints as soon as i wake up and smoke so many during the day cant count but it's bad like 12-15 mybe more every day, yes yes it's bad lol and i only quit for 2 weeks in 10 years smoking!
i will not buy any weed, i will wait for my harvest in 1 month, i guess i will cut some bud in 2-3 weeks to smoke em but i have to quit being a pothead every day, i have to do it, i dont wana smoke daily, want it to be for fun occasionally in weekends and so. i will be posting how it's going with me in here if it's fine with you GG

i need support from you guys, if i could do it i maybe will try ingesting my weed from now on and not smoking it and i have to go and work out in the gym, that would help me loads in quitting. any helpful suggestions welcome
