Island Of Misfits

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Good morning brothers and sisters!bigarmhug.gif

Cloudy today with rain, starting at 42F and predicted to reach 50F.

I have a doctors appointment with blood work at 09:30, so fasting. My least favorite part about doctors appointments to check on the results of my recent med changes.

Lunch out yesterday at the Partisan Cafe and disappointed at the changes in their sandwich menu, though the cherry pie was still good. Parking was also more difficult as well, after the city blocked off the adjacent street.

I finally heard back from the S. African brother seeking support, leaving me to believe it is legitimate so will proceed with sharing the secret handshakes with him. A decade ago helped a SA brother set up to manufacture the Mk III, but have never heard back as to how it turned out and this brother is looking for a commercial size system.
I had one, but it didn't help me
I've had a couple and still have one, that haven't done me all that much good. On the other hand, while in physical therapy for a torn muscle in my shoulder, they used a commercial sized unit and it definitely did help.

The difference between the units was output. Mine cause a local stinging around the pads, while the commercial unit caused the whole muscle to contract.
Good morning, Misfits! Another grand and glorious day above ground. Got more pieces of a 200 piece man-toy puzzle arriving today, and other labors of Hercules to accomplish today before gym time.

You ever try a TENS unit?
Helps me from time to time
I have this one
I've got one something like it. It does work, but it's a pain (no pun intended) to keep the damned pads on.
Morning 😴
Hate this time change bullshit.
It has a minimal effect on me. I've been on Indian time ever since 2004 when I retired. If the sun's up, it's daytime. If the sun's down, it's nighttime. :)

Good morning, Misfits! Another grand and glorious day above ground. Got more pieces of a 200 piece man-toy puzzle arriving today, and other labors of Hercules to accomplish today before gym time.

I've got one something like it. It does work, but it's a pain (no pun intended) to keep the damned pads on.

It has a minimal effect on me. I've been on Indian time ever since 2004 when I retired. If the sun's up, it's daytime. If the sun's down, it's nighttime. :)

In retirement I've slipped into personal time.

When I feel like dropping off, I do, and when I feel like getting up, I do, albeit sometimes marginally sooner due to Miss Layla's loving insistence.

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