How many CFM???? 1000HPS

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Dec 1, 2007
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I have a 4'x4' grow tent with a air cooled shade. 1000 w HPS how many CFM do i need to have good control and no issues? Can i have to many cfm?
ur cfm is typically determined by the amount of area in a room... not the amount of lights.... the air cooled hood should keep the temperatures nice and cool...

If temps are still too high you can consider a bigger fan.. but I'd go the small air conditioner route first. as long as temps don't get over 89 degrees f is great... during the dark period you want your temps to go down a bit... which they should once the lights are off neways.
A 265 CFM Squirrel Cage Fan hooked directly up to the lamps hood/shade will do the trick. However, you may need another fan, and or additional duct work to pull air from the grow chamber/tent.

I use one 265 S.C.F to pull air from both from the light box and the grow chamber! All you need is one "Y" duct adapter and some extra duct work and your set!

See my set-up for an example:

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