Bud --Over 9,000 varieties ? -- Give me a headache ! -- Ask Umbra about seed !-- About all I know is what I read and what I grow !-- My plan was for 4 varieties and run them in rotation !-- Somewhere along the line I lost my way and went buck wild !-- There is no reason for me to have more varieties !-- Except I'm like a kid in a candy store !-- I want some of everything !-- I got to get a grip !
Keef I've been searching and searching and searching seed finder like you said now it boils down to I think I'm going to probably order something from jaws they seem like they got some pretty tasty stuff umbra or anyone know much about them I also came across a cherry gorilla I might pick up this seed collecting business is the worst disease Way worse then when I was building my side-by-side all up with suspension crazy stereo lights nasty wheels you know all the fun stuff for playing in the mud :48:
D.D. and I have been talking of maybe selling this place and buy something within an hour and a half inland with some acreage !-- I can only hide so much here !-- People too close and too many of them !-- We could really cut expenses and give me some room to grow !-- U can only make something look like something it's not for so long !-- Be best not having any prying eyes !
Bud I be back at this juice soon enough !-- While I learn to grow -- I'm looking to make me something unique to grow !--
There's some very expensive stuff out there !-- I'm not good enough grower yet to even think of spending that kind of money !--
Bud the bugs done brought me to my knees more than once and it could happen again !-- They gonna not prosecute for less than an ounce in 2 major Texas cities and where they gonna get that weed ? -- They the ones made me learn to hide !-- Now they gonna have to deal with it !--
U got to pay taxes on weed too ?
I want to try those predatory mites next time the mites show up !-- I got some kind of root aphids moved into the space around the stem and neopreme collars !-- Drove me crazy trying to fix what I thought was a nute issue !-- It was too late for most plants by then !-- I saved some cuts and had to start over ! -- We killed them and watch for them now ! -- I do not reuse foam collars !-- It was bad !-- We had just made it to barely producing enough for ourselves !-- Then we started over again. !
Latest addition to the harem !-- Umbra's "White Indica" ( The White -x- Nepal Indica )--I cloned her and let her run !-- She gonna be frosty !