you cruel sob hippie.... you didn't do that I bet.
you cruel sob hippie.... you didn't do that I bet.
Oh shoot cane, you are probably right. Course when i was a kid with not much to do on the farm, i kinda wanted to break a birds leg to see if i could fix it... i didn't do it I don't think... if i did I blocked it. I have been know to pick up three goats and put them in my car to find their owner... love me some animals and nature. and.... pot. and you guys.... and pot roast.
Nope. City work meant I was working construction on high rises in the city. I'd be glad to send you x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans to prove that I probably worked harder in a year than you have in your lifetime.Afternoon all, Dropped the truck off at the wrench, All New exhaust,& Good tune up, some misc. elect. That will take around $700.
Hippie, City worker....yep I can see it now...He did it Rose.... They find all kinds of entertainment,to keep from working....
Can we Puff .....:48:
Nope. City work meant I was working construction on high rises in the city. I'd be glad to send you x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans to prove that I probably worked harder in a year than you have in your lifetime.
Pay and retirement was damn good, though.
I once did the wild thing on a gurney in the morgue.....