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Well that's different !--Sorry Cane !-- I get high I get confused sometimes !-- Flipping thru the channels and I find food porn !--Prime Rib with King Crab Legs !--That's just wrong !
Snorting snow,,,yehaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That would really mess up the ole head. Ouch
Thank you for ignoring my friend WH, political talk. I removed it for you WH. Sorry work is so slow.. That is way stressful. Stay calm.. you can hang with us. .Keef can entertain you.

Fog, thank you for reminding me I have a point and shoot thermometer,, Used it all last summer on the plants. I am going to finish cleaning up this house then i will start on my new form of rso.

It has warmed up today to 28 so far. woohoo not.
Why is it so bright out there ? -- I'm not used to it !-- I'm waiting on my GG#4 seed !--Like Christmas all over again !-- I need to get D.D.'s plants to aero !---It gets complicated !-- Keeping up with who's who but it saw Kraven spoon labels !--It was out for plastic spoons when some plastic horticulture tags showed up !--D.D. on the job!--
If they would just end prohibition Giggy wouldn't have to do that jobby-job stuff !--Giggy a pot farmer in the land of cotton !--- Master be laying the whip on us Southern Outlaws !-- We don't get weed stores and stuff all we get is jail if we get caught !--- For growing a frickin weed !--Really ! I mean does that even make any sense!-- --Come on congress do your job !--This is wrong !--Fix it !
Thank you for ignoring my friend WH, political talk. I removed it for you WH. Sorry work is so slow.. That is way stressful. Stay calm.. you can hang with us. .Keef can entertain you.

Fog, thank you for reminding me I have a point and shoot thermometer,, Used it all last summer on the plants. I am going to finish cleaning up this house then i will start on my new form of rso.

It has warmed up today to 28 so far. woohoo not.

Hi all....well maybe I'm getting to be a wuss in my old age but the blue Meanie the o'l hippy left for me got a sizable amount of thump to it.
4:20 at the beach--I'm doing what I got to do !-- suns out temp in the 60s !-- Wish it was gonna last !--
Sorry to bomb y'all with a song, but these lyrics are amazing.

Well she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind
That's running wild
Butterflies and zebras and moonbeams
And fairy tales,*

That's all she ever thinks about

Riding with the wind

When I'm sad she comes to me
With a thousand smiles
She gives to me free

It's alright, she says
It's alright
Take anything you want from me

Fly on, little wing
It's official. Today was the first day of winter in the Mitten. 22 degrees and the sandals didn't go on, but the Joe issue jungle boots did.

I'm such a woosie. Feels weird to be wearing socks.
Hippie, maybe I like it cuz I don't dance!! And another thing, I give your feet a "2" as well!!!!
U people amuse the hell out of me !-- Can't dance to it !--Hippie's feet a 2 !--What up Giggy ?
Hey Rose !--Been a strange day !-- Rain be coming back !--I don't mind the rain so much as the pressure change !--That last storm just waved the pressure up and down for days !-- Most times the wind blows off the gulf the salt air seems to help but the north and west wind don't help ! Looks like Umbra gets a ood then it comes to Texas ! Strange weather !
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