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Morning Keef O.F.C. ......Lets get this show rollin :48:
Morning O.F.C. !--Hey Cane what up !--I'm not liking this O dark thirty stuff !--D.D. got one more day shift !-- Working on this pipe !--Kinda foggy in my mind this morning! Low 40's headed back to 70's by end of the week !
Looking at that octo cloner,, over at HTG supply....That & some 2' T5s I should be looking good to start cloning:)

Just 32* here this AM......
I think you'll like it Cane !-- especially if U gonna be transferring them to dirt !-- U got feminized seed ? -- About 3 weeks into bloom take a cut from each of them --Keep up with what clone came from what plant --Just in case on of your girls is a hermie --That way U can remove it and any clones that came from it !-- I hope U find room for some of Umbra's Bunch !-- The Blueberry Blast has impressed me !-- I don't know about all of them but I got a wonderful Blueberry coming from the grow room ! I took some more cuts from her too !-- My boy Trips gnna have to be chopped back soon ! --He's doing that swirled calyx thing that I see in my Widow sometime except I think he gonna switch back to 3 leaves at a time ! --I hope I get a girl that makes 3 leaves out of the Trips --T.E. cross !--That would be a clone only keeper !
Morning Giggy have a good day !--Hey Cane I think HTG spy is where I got my first cloner !--Do they have a square 25 spot cloner ?
Caps kicking in --I be alright soon !--I wanted to tell Rose of my experience with weed and coconut oil !-- My first experiments making caps I felt like U should cook the weed in the oil drain it and use the oil !--Works well but can be messy if U try to put it in caps !--In a small pan place crumbled weed and enough coconut oil to just cover it !--Heat pan --I've done it at a simmer and I've fried weed !--THC would rather go into the Oil than vaporize !--U can heat the oil right up to the smoke point if U want --No hotter !!-- Lower and longer is my preference !--Drain oil from the weed !--That be THC coconut oil now !-- Now comes the fun part where someone ends up getting way high !--U got to figure out how much is a dose !
Good morning OFC,

Giggy, sorry you are working but the money will be nice. we will keep the joint lit while your away.

Thanks for the tutorial keef, I am going to do that and use it at night.

Mr cane, before you go for the cloner, I was wondering if you wanted another opinion. I made my own cloner years ago with an small air pump and it worked, but I thought i would take a pic of my favorite way to clone and seem to get 100% Sometimes I use a heating mat if needed.View attachment 004.jpg
I've never cloned in dirt but that's how Bozzo does it !--It's a weed it's hard to kill and U can do all sorts of things to it !--I haven't had any success yet grafting but I will !-- A mother that has limbs from half dozen different varieties would be the goal !-- Not sure it is nessesary I just want to know if I can do it !--

Rose --U won't be able to press all the oil out the weed !-- I got tired of trying to find something to do with the left over weed !--

For me the best and easiest way was to run the weed thru a screen decarb it and pack it into caps and chase them with some coconut oil !--Let your belly do the extraction with no waste !-- clean , fast and easy !--Got 1500 size 00 empty gel caps !-- I rounded off a wooden chop stick to fit in the caps !--I use it to pack the caps full !--2-3 or more depending on the weed !-- Best way I know to start the day !
Morning all, doin the job hunt today....cold here, o'l hippy is outa town so went to tend his girls this am, he left me some Blue Meany, I'll get my head fogged when I return this afternoon....I also sorta took another bud off the HS yesterday and trimmed it real well, small bud will dry fast....gonna see if it hits me again like last time. Hope everyone has a great day.
Morning gang. Spending the day avoiding anything that even comes close to work! A warm 22 degrees here with a wind chill that takes it down to 13, so it's bubble in the morning and a nice warm bar in the afternoon (it's beer day).
I figure a sixty year old man can take his bride to the bar twice a week if'n he wants to!

Wallet is going to be flat the rest of the month. Just blew $365 on a bi directional OEM remote starter for the bus. This old hippie's gonna be driving warm this winter.:)
Good Morning Hippie, cane, Keef, giggy, Kraven, Rosebud, and all. Feels like 45 and sunny day. Going to be a great day. OH, time for my :spit: and :bong2:. Ya, that is better. Doing more work in grow room. Got a lot on my plate. I hate driving, get lost quick. It gives me all kinds of brain spasms. Always on alert for the other cars. Drives me crazy. Hate it. Well, it time to get Bake for my day. Care to pass one around :48:
Went back to bed {reracked} got a nice nap..... But now there is this white stuff all over outside....:( Oh well it is winter....
Rose, that is so cool.. Option overload.. And you get 100% using those plugs Eh??
Hippie is getting Lazy in his old age.... Still got to push the clutch in on my rig...
Trying out all of my pipes one by one. I do believe that will get me where I want to be. I'm :stoned: On to the next
Fog, thank you. I have a coffee warmer, would that work? Awesome and easy.

Keef check your pm's please.

Kraven you are just a good guy.. thanks for all you do for the hippie.
Morning folks hope everyone has a great day. Work is real slow for me right now,,,scary slow. Weedhopper not happy and very stressed. Slowest I been in several years.
Cane and I working a split shift !-Went back to bed myself !--Then everybody wakes up !-- Love my coconut oil !-- I got no hash but we make do !-- I need some coffee anyone wanna get high !-- We gonna hit 70 tommorrow! --What's white stuff Cane !--U know we ain't post to talk about other drugs or politics!
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