Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Been cruising around this morning, drinking my coffee and....something`s missing. Oh, now I remember, it`s gotta be "wake and bake". Let`s get the morning going the right way. Go for it.
Happy your daughter is ok. They can really scare ya, cause ya feel helpless and you`re doing all you can. Peace bro.
morning hippie, yooper and the rest of the ofc. we got rain today and highs in the 60's for this weekend. i put afew bag seeds on to germ last night, if the wife knew how many she would flip. yall have a great day. peace
**** Hippie
so glad she is al right 30k phew not a great way to start the day
Scary is right Hippie. Family feelings run so deep that it's hard to explain the scariness. Sure glad that she is doing better. Good thoughts coming your way.
Thanks for the good thoughts, folks. Tried to hog tie the little bugger and make her stay in bed today and heal up, but a 24 year old girl (woman) is hard to wrangle, especially when the batteries are dead in my cattle prod. She was up and out this morning, heading off to work like a little drone bee.

I'd like to think I was smart enough at her age that when I got knocked down, I stayed down long enough to heal, but I know better. My motto was I can stay home and feel miserable, or I can go to work and make money and feel miserable. Apparently, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree. It didn't help when the doc told her it wasn't contagious, which was weird to me. I thought all viruses were contagious. Then again, I'm not a doctor, either.

Gotta chase down one more part for my clone-o-matic. Pics to follow when she's done.
Hippie, when I came to Cali the first time, it was 1976. The anti bicentennial tour. Couple of friends and I rode motorcycles as far away from Philly as we could. So we rode to Alaska. On the way back we stop at Haight and Asbury streets and found the building where the published the Furious Freak Bros comics. Phineas, Free Wheelin' Franklin and of course Fat Freddy. Oh and Fat Freddy's cat...Omnibus. I consider it a once in a life time experience. Just thinking about your avatar.
You didn't want to leave your hat laying around when Fat Freddie's cat was around!

I've still got a couple of issues stashed somewhere. I think every stoner had a few.
OFC of Curmudgeonland,
Good morning one and all. We got snow (new cuss word) in the forecast for Halloween. Must be wake and bake time, join me anyway.
Morning gents. Yoop, you didn't have to mention the "S" word, did ya?

Sounds like a Halloween like I had when I was a kid. You'd spend weeks getting a costume together, only to cover it up with a giant coat.

Used to be a little old lady at the end of the block that still had a small farm from which she sold eggs. She'd invite us into the heated chicken coup, hand us each an apple from her orchard, and a hot cup of home pressed cider with a cinnamon stick in it. It not only tasted good, it gave your fingers a chance to thaw out.

The women of the neighborhood would start baking three or four days before. If you got store bought candy, it was because it was the rare family that both the wife and husband worked outside the home. Cookies, brownies, caramel pop corn balls with peanuts, rice crispy treats, etc.

After I was grown and married, I confessed to one of the ladies that made the pop corn balls that I had always hit her place twice, sometimes three times, via a mask change. To my chagrin, she told me she knew it all along. She told me how she made them, and it's been a favorite holiday treat around the ranch ever since.
All good Halloween memories, sounds familiar. Remember one house always had a bushel of apples, get there early or loose out. I always lost out. On another note, still waiting on a reply.
Halloween as a child, I remember filling a pillow case on my way home from school, then emptying it and heading out again. I remember having candy until Easter. As an adult things are quite different, though. In Cali, I have no idea what it will be like. Back on the East Coast, there was a curfew of 7 pm. So no door bells ringing after that time.
My daughter took a drive through the old neighborhood last Haloween. She said that out of the 130 houses in the subdivision, only eleven were handing out candy.

I can remember when I was just married, it was nothing to get over 400 kids in one night. Where I live now, there's six houses on the whole road. Nobody trick-or-treats. I've been trying to talk the wife into doing a reverse trick or treat with me. We'll dress up, take a pillow case full of candy, and go house to house handing it out. Should be good for a grin!
My daughter took a drive through the old neighborhood last Haloween. She said that out of the 130 houses in the subdivision, only eleven were handing out candy.

I can remember when I was just married, it was nothing to get over 400 kids in one night. Where I live now, there's six houses on the whole road. Nobody trick-or-treats. I've been trying to talk the wife into doing a reverse trick or treat with me. We'll dress up, take a pillow case full of candy, and go house to house handing it out. Should be good for a grin!

We don't get any kids up our street. no sidewalks, no street lights and in the country. Kids don't like the sparse housing. Can't get there bags full. Hippie that sounds like a very cool idea. would love to see the reaction of people when you offer candy. Happy Days guys.
Lived here 10 years, in the country, we used to get a carful of kids, same family, every year and that was it. Probably too old now, so we wait and see, with candy in hand.
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