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Yo Hippie what's shaking in da mitt tonight ? -- I was trying to explain that if U breed a 4n tetra to a 2n normal plant They each divide naturally --The offspring seed have half the 4n tetra parent and half the 2n parents DNA -- So two from one and one from the other parent !--That gives U three when it comes time to reproduce the 3 legged DNA CAN NOT divide into 2 even halves so it can not combine with anything else to produce off spring !-- That's the science of it !-- 6n --X--2n --each can divide in half--The off spring gets 3 from one 2 from the other --5 can not divide evenly so can produce no seed !-Make any sense to anyone !--They have done this to vegetables for years -nothing new here except we gonna do it to weed !--Find us a THC LIMIT switch and break that mutha clean off !
When you breed a horse to a donkey you get a mule. A mule is sterile they can not reproduce.
Nailed it Umbra cause the chromosomes won't line up correctly !--A patent on weed genetics ? --- How's about we get U one !-- Someone needs to get a patent on a commercial 5n feminized variety before big pharm --Why not U ?--- I'll be your research assistant !-- Find that 6n that makes a siamese triplet THC molecule and 3 times as many !--Wha????
Yo Umbra -U know that horse and ******* cross being a mule? --Another time we talked about weed genetics and U pointed out that we all get half our genetics after I said I thought it was more 60 mom and 40 dad --This is one of those times I was referring to ---U breed a male horse to a genny ( female *******) What U get is not a mule !--Same genetics other way around --A ******* to a mare U got yourself a mule !-- Sometimes better than both parents !
Talk about crosses! I knew a gal that had a tattoo of the devil on one thigh and a tattoo of a lake of fire on the other.

Every time she crossed her legs, it looked like hell!
morning ofc, it's time to WAKE AND BAKE. so get your pipe, doobie and cup of coffee or tea and lets make for a great saturday, at least i'm trying real hard. wife slept ok, she's sore they think they got everything but it will be monday or tuesday till we get the results.
Evening, Giggy. How's the wife doing?

I love listening to you guys talk the science of weed. I find it quite interesting I can't say I understand it all being the simple minded old dolt I am, but it makes me think.
For me, I'm where I want to be. I still use 600 watt MH/HPS lights. I still veg and keep mothers under T8s (THG would have me boiled in oil for that:) ). I spend a minimum to get the maximum of what I need.

The stuff I grow works for me. I can take a choker hit and set the pipe down for an hour or two. I can take a couple of normal hits and do the same. If I was capable of growing Umbra/NCH quality weed, one toke would probably put me in a coma. I'm brain dead enough!:)
hippie she is doing ok, she slept ok so i hope she has a good day.
I loved my hps and MH when i started. They were big and bright and it was loud in that little bathroom.

lyfespan, i think i know what you mean. Last time i was at a walk-in dispensary it was just a little to shiny and too clean and too many packages that looked like big pot. The joint i tasted that was coated in oil, tasted bad. I smoke half of it and threw it away.

Giggy, did you wife have to have a mastectomy? I hope not. I missed something I think. I hope you are both ok.

no rose it didn't go that far, but the doctor scared the life out of me and i know it did her. the way the doctor made it seem is it was bad and massive. we get to see her before the surgery and she tells us (wife included) that it is micro. i'm here to tell you i almost lost it, both times.
wake N bake here is a bit of Grape inferno from TGA. i must say im liking it a lot
Wake and bake 30 degrees this am. Got the wife's car warmed up and she sent off to work. I'm fixing to play some Xbox and smoke a few bowls. Got a dishwasher coming at 10am. I'm moving on up!! Won't be slaving over the sink for an hour everyday now.

Glad to see some activity this morning, even some of you west coast cats is up already.
morning span and dog. i'm having some nasty a$$ tasting dream reaper or jack the ripper. it was some beans that was giving to me that everybody screamed herm. one out of 8 was a herm, but they were deep in the woods and i didn't take care of them either. dog what i have one morning you have the next so you'll have frost again tomorrow. we have rain all next week but christmas day we are supposed to have a dry day with sunshine. i hope we do, and we are also supposed to have a full moon.

morning krav.
Morning giggy, been thinking about you and yours...hang in there brother.
anybody use a dry herb vape? i don't smoke (x-smoker) but i do smoke weed. i have been looking and i see they are all across the board. i'm thinking something good for a first without breaking the bank.
Giggy, my wife uses the arizer solo, I have the air. Check them out. Personally, I wouldn't spend any less.
Morning O.F.C !--Giggy smoke some of that stress away !-- I got a dry herb vape pen !--I was underwhelmed but Bozzo say I used it wrong ! -- I just packed a pipe gonna have another cup of coffee and get higher!--Dog I got D.D. off to work this morning! --- I like going to Lowe's but after I get home it ain't fun no more !--Got 2 light switches to replace --Frigging garage door opener motor shaft broke --I got another one !--Then there is the hot tub !---- and the dirt grow to get started!-- Love me a dishwasher --Our died and I had to install this one !--Same with the garbage disposal !--I almost shot that beast !-- but next time that water heater trips it's reset and we don't have hot water --I'm gonna shot it !--When the Po-Po come I'll tell them that it was possessed by da devil and I had to put it down !
Naa Gig, still looking....wife decided to jump ship a week or so ago too..... so I'm sweating bullets these days, all will be well in the end, just taking it a day at a time now....heck of a bad year, we have been lucky , we have had many good years...our time will come again, this is just a bump in the road.
Morning O.F.C. Got My Tea And a fatty rolled,Clear & F***** frezzzin out here....
Rose!--Mail man just delivered 2 bags of that germination mix just that pic in your grow journal !---Thgjy mailman --U.P.S. guy --They got to know I'm a pot farmer !--They don't need to print in big letters on the boxes --MJ Grow Supplies !-- When the seed she plants comes up --I make my move to claim that spare room as part of the grow !-- Woman get a $5,000 sign on bonus and bought a stupid hot tub!--U know how many lights I could a bought with that ? Yeah I'll wire that hot tub --If she ordered me some more lights --I might feel more motivated ! --60s and sunny!
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