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Giggy hope it works for U !--Might have to use that Keef trick and run a bunch of tiny plants !-- flip them fast !-- An indica SOG might work !-- Next week we'll be starting some Papaya--Bubblicious --Aurora Indica --and Pure Power Plant ( the one they say has the piney )-- Giggy gonna grow something piney right ?-- Maybe cross them ? -- Bet piney would be there just gotta go thru the seed !-- Get or breed U a 60 day finisher and move so.e to bloom every weeks--60 days later they start coming out every weeks !--Unless the bugs wreak havoc on your grow!--

that's the plan keef, small clones to bloom but i'm thinking 3 moms so i can have something different, maybe a fourth if i have the room. it's like going back to a 2'x2' box again. i got lost in the 4'x4' box, couldn't keep it warm and didn't have enough light.
Giggy my friend peeps is gonna shoot me for this !--U don't need to keep mothers !--As long as U got a viable cut U got a the variety !--U have to an ahead some but grow a cut out and use it for a clone donor!--Trips my male is represented by a 4 inch cut ! I can keep a bunch of varieties like that !--Grow a cut out and chop it into clones --Save one in veg for next time !--Off to Taco Bell !
I have struggled a little with changing everything about how I grow to follow NCH. The system is a hybrid of sorts. It uses pro mix #4 soiless mix with GH 3 part. But the real secrets are the gravitas and the biowave. You need a minimum of 12 ft ceilings to run these lights. You put them at the 12 ft level and keep them there. The biowave is a bit pricey, but with more light, forcing the stomata to stay open longer forces the plant to grow faster and bigger. In flower the effects are awesome.

mbra, i can say how much i love having these Nanolux DE fixtures, set em and forget em, light the room not the tables. going to be adding the 315s or 630s soon. PNW is using the biowave and getting killer results, yes pricey and weird looking but when it comes to stimulating the girls, its like getting the case bored for a stroker crank. you can run all the topend and NOS you want(ie hydro and CO2) but you will just blow the motors, or always be lacking that real power.

umbra, were you able to hit the EC this year? what a fiassco, greedy greedy greedy, on top of asinine rules. at least we were able to meet up exchange cuts and do the normal thing despite the EC.

i for one will be going back to the underground world, really liking the secret seshes popping up. too much trending going on out there in the weed world.
Evening, Giggy. How's the wife doing?

I love listening to you guys talk the science of weed. I find it quite interesting I can't say I understand it all being the simple minded old dolt I am, but it makes me think.
For me, I'm where I want to be. I still use 600 watt MH/HPS lights. I still veg and keep mothers under T8s (THG would have me boiled in oil for that:) ). I spend a minimum to get the maximum of what I need.

The stuff I grow works for me. I can take a choker hit and set the pipe down for an hour or two. I can take a couple of normal hits and do the same. If I was capable of growing Umbra/NCH quality weed, one toke would probably put me in a coma. I'm brain dead enough!:)
I loved my hps and MH when i started. They were big and bright and it was loud in that little bathroom.

lyfespan, i think i know what you mean. Last time i was at a walk-in dispensary it was just a little to shiny and too clean and too many packages that looked like big pot. The joint i tasted that was coated in oil, tasted bad. I smoke half of it and threw it away.

Giggy, did you wife have to have a mastectomy? I hope not. I missed something I think. I hope you are both ok.
lol, YD I used to have to do annual quals in the gas chamber....C&S is one ugly mutha......

Hiya's everybody.....lets smoke :48:

hahahaha and you will always be standing there like , #uck this is really gonna suck i hate this, why am i doing this? lol
I loved my hps and MH when i started. They were big and bright and it was loud in that little bathroom.

lyfespan, i think i know what you mean. Last time i was at a walk-in dispensary it was just a little to shiny and too clean and too many packages that looked like big pot. The joint i tasted that was coated in oil, tasted bad. I smoke half of it and threw it away.

Giggy, did you wife have to have a mastectomy? I hope not. I missed something I think. I hope you are both ok.

im am not a fan of these moon rocks or the oiled joints. there's a reason you vaporize oils, to avoid the crude build up taste. you know the one im talking about, you thought you would power up a bowl by putting some keep or oil on it. half way thru it tastes like your smoking a grease fire, well duh lol. i keep burning flowers and vaping oils separately thanx.

i will say im smoking some of TGAs Grape Inferno right now and im liking the Norstars Nepalese OG in it, really made this querkle kick butt
Yo Hippie what's shaking in da mitt tonight ? -- I was trying to explain that if U breed a 4n tetra to a 2n normal plant They each divide naturally --The offspring seed have half the 4n tetra parent and half the 2n parents DNA -- So two from one and one from the other parent !--That gives U three when it comes time to reproduce the 3 legged DNA CAN NOT divide into 2 even halves so it can not combine with anything else to produce off spring !-- That's the science of it !-- 6n --X--2n --each can divide in half--The off spring gets 3 from one 2 from the other --5 can not divide evenly so can produce no seed !-Make any sense to anyone !--They have done this to vegetables for years -nothing new here except we gonna do it to weed !--Find us a THC LIMIT switch and break that mutha clean off !
Ever notice when U get high U can't do math ? -- Trust me I seen it in a vision !-- Hey Lyfespan where ya been ? -- We don't know about such things down here in Texas except for Hopper and he always has fine weed !-- I don't think they gonna let me be legal after prohibition ends !--I'm not paying some big a$$ "Fee" to be allowed to grow weed !--- U couldn't catch me so now U want me to pay U ? There will be 49 other states and the Internet --I'll find a market and U don't need to know where I grow !
Hey Kraven --regular gas chamber drills guarantee U will become proficient at fitting and maintaining a gas mask !--U know what's happening when someone be aping at thier filters and frantically get the mask to seal --it's too late Cuz!-- How come they always had to make an example out of me !--I be puking and stuff and they just laugh and laugh !
Flyin' low and flyin' slow, cuz. Decided to give the bubble a break and started hittin' the Skunk. Whew.

Ever notice how many of the new "latest and greatest" have Skunk#1 in their lineage?
I think I will try to keep it simple,Light, Dirt, {Love digging in it} seed, & a little Poop.
Gotta head out,Puff one with the Ol...
Cane U do that !--and sometimes in the future when U get some extra large pot seed and they come up making 4 leaves at a time --Just do what U know !--light --dirt --Water --poop !-- What ever works for U !--See there's this problem I face ---Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof !---I done bit off a great big bite talking n this and n that !-- I believe !--And Science be thy name !
U too Rose !--U get so.e of them big seed !--Grow them organically --U wl be without sin before the god of the Ganics !--Got to watch out for that ole demon " Polushun" !--U will be pure-- the sin will be mine for daring push the limits of Danky -Dank -Dank ! Hippie think his weed be bad now?--- Just wait Cuz !---U grow it the way that works best for U !--U tell an old Hippie U gonna rock his world --Trash talking won't work ! U better be packing for bear !-- O.K. !
Umbra say this tetra Clock Work Orange makes orange bud and is great for pain !--How's about I breed it to my 2n Tranquil Elephantizer and make a triploid ?-- Fire Woman ? U could grow her from seed but she won't breed to anything !--Find the right pheno and she's your own clone only triploid ! No way it won't rock your world ! Then when I get your attention we gonna get buck wild !--Somewhere in this stuff is a gene that should double the THC molecule !-Like siamese twins except they THC (twice as potent) and there's twice as many of them !- We talking walk on water high ! Canes wife be flying him and his superman costume around like a kite in the back yard !
mbra, i can say how much i love having these Nanolux DE fixtures, set em and forget em, light the room not the tables. going to be adding the 315s or 630s soon. PNW is using the biowave and getting killer results, yes pricey and weird looking but when it comes to stimulating the girls, its like getting the case bored for a stroker crank. you can run all the topend and NOS you want(ie hydro and CO2) but you will just blow the motors, or always be lacking that real power.

umbra, were you able to hit the EC this year? what a fiassco, greedy greedy greedy, on top of asinine rules. at least we were able to meet up exchange cuts and do the normal thing despite the EC.

i for one will be going back to the underground world, really liking the secret seshes popping up. too much trending going on out there in the weed world.
No I did not go. I heard about all of the entries that were flagged for pesticides and microbial matter. I heard SnowHigh had a booth. I would have gone just to talk to him. We were talking about doing field pcr and gcms of his plants for potential patenting process.
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