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Nag away Rose !--Won't bother me a bit!--D.D. go on a rant I wait till it looks like she wearing down some and ask her if she was talking to me ?-- Or I'm sorry what did U say !-- I can take the heat !--
Oh my. I kinda want to nag LOL.
You wouldn't be a good esister if you didn't!:)

Trust me though, I've got three analog females ranging in age from 94 to 25 that do a lot of real life nagging.:) They do it because they love me. There are occasions that I wish they didn't love me so much, though.....but I'm glad they do.
Someone want to stand up and explain the difference between the molecule of sugar made from sugar beets-- Sugar Cane -- or corn ?--
a multi vitamin once a week...wow. when I was fighting, I would eat 2 handfuls of vitamins in the morning and 3 handfuls before training every night. my diet was chicken, rice, and broccoli. I would mix it sometimes and eat turkey or fish, but pretty much all I ate for 4 years.
Made me hungry talking about food so I had a chili cheese dog !-- U got to watch this old body it's tricky!-- First I went to basic training in the army --- The average GI lost 20% of thier body weight in 8 weeks!--I gained 20 lbs !--
Someone want to stand up and explain the difference between the molecule of sugar made from sugar beets-- Sugar Cane -- or corn ?--
There ain't one, Cuz! Sure does make for good scare journalism, though.

Rose, you haven't mentioned your sister lately. Is she pretty sore after greasing that deer? Did they total out her ride?

Yeah Keef, ya went and made me hungry. Gonna try a new recipe for cottage cheese pancakes. Sounds bad but looks good.
Food !--Hey Dog talking about no access to food U don't have to cook yourself?-- Back in my day we had "C" rations but they got these MREs these days !-- Our food came in cans and a jeep motor for a stove !-- Anyway they sell them by the case comes with an "Add Water" meal heater !-- Sounds like they would make good sack lunches or when U just don't want to cook !
I forgot !-- "C" Rations used to also come with a pack of 5 cigarettes!!---I hated Lucky Strikes--Pall Malls and Camels ! Then some people decided it wasn't healthy to smoke cigarettes but they'd still send U off to war !-- Sick world we live in ya'll !
Hippie, thank you for asking she is doing fine. She doesn't know if it is totaled or not. I can't believe she walked away from that, hit the two deer at 60 mph. Why didn't her air bags go off? She should hear today about her car. goes without saying I am so glad she is ok. Are you feeling a little better today?
It's not the vehicle speed that matters. It's the force of impact. My dad hit one a month or two ago in his Silverado. 45 mph and deployed both bags. He has had 6 different deer collisions and never had an air bag pop before. Who knows?? He used to joke and say they might not even work anymore. Well they do! Lol
while I am plagued with 1 disaster after another, I have learned to try and roll with the punches. As I have looked for work, and tried to redefine myself, (men for the most part identify themselves based on what they do, and women seem to define themselves more about their relationships with other people) I am at a loss. Somehow I managed an interview tomorrow, lol. Feels good even if it is a fleeting sense of self worth.
Get a message from Insurance co about car, "we need to talk". Oopps there goes my self worth...ka ching
How did I miss that about Rose's sister hitting a deer !-- I never hit a deer! --Mostly I hit trees !--
She hit two deer strolling up the hill onto the highway.. one went over the top of her car and the other she killed. I am anxious to hear about her toyota camry. She drove it home, but was just 5 miles from home.

YD, that is interesting about the air bags.

Umbra, no kidding you guys whole identity is tied up in what you do. Mr rb had a hard time retiring because of that. You guys feel you are what you do. He made stuff that went up in the space shuttle. Now he picks up dog poop and helps his wife grow pot.. It only took a couple of years, but he is good again. You have self worth Umbra, all you guys. It isn't about what you do but about who you are. I know easier said than done.
Rose I totally missed that !--Good healing MOJO to her !--- What Rose said ya'll!-- Nature got some rules and sadly--Adapt or die is one of them !-- I've become a pot farmer !-- Retire ? That was not an option for me!-- They gonna decriminalization weed one day soon and when they do Keef be there with some Franken plant waiting to blow they mind !--They don't even know about extracts and stuff !--
while I am plagued with 1 disaster after another, I have learned to try and roll with the punches. As I have looked for work, and tried to redefine myself, (men for the most part identify themselves based on what they do, and women seem to define themselves more about their relationships with other people) I am at a loss. Somehow I managed an interview tomorrow, lol. Feels good even if it is a fleeting sense of self worth.
Get a message from Insurance co about car, "we need to talk". Oopps there goes my self worth...ka ching
Not to worry Little Brother,,,you have plenty company. 5% of the the ppl have all the money,,,the other 95%(the rest if us) struggle our whole lives with crap like this. Settle in and hang in there Bro,,we are strong and we will survive.
Umbra, no kidding you guys whole identity is tied up in what you do. Mr rb had a hard time retiring because of that. You guys feel you are what you do. He made stuff that went up in the space shuttle. Now he picks up dog poop and helps his wife grow pot.. It only took a couple of years, but he is good again. You have self worth Umbra, all you guys. It isn't about what you do but about who you are. I know easier said than done.

Transitioning to a full time ganja farmer is just a weird feeling to me, because I don't discuss it with anyone. My son see himself as a cannabusiness entrepreneur. I see myself as an outlaw grower in a land that allows it to be grown. Definitely a strange feeling
Something I dream of Umbra !-- Not moving to free state to do it though !--- When national prohibition ends -- I got to be here to lead my people to the promised land !-- That top 5% Hopper spoke of is gonna need some very expensive weed !--Might as well be mine !-- I don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadence !
Ya Know,Sometimes it is great having your mother in law right next store.Most the time Not!! You get hijacked for all kinds of projects...
I'm Ready:48:
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