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Cold this am. Better get used to it. I don't see how you all wade through snow all winter. Mid 30's here and I'm complaining.
That smoke knocked me on my butt last night. Mrs Dog liked it too. Not great on flavor atm, but it works.
I can not believe its gonna be in the 80s friday.:huh:
Morning O.F.C. !--50/75 today ! Dragging this morning !--Can U get a hangover from getting too high ?--- Cause I was walking on water yesterday !-- Get high and start talking that stuff I barely understand! ---
Idk keef. I still felt like my Brain was miswired when I woke up.
Supposed to be in the low 70's this weekend. Taking the bike to a trail ride this weekend. That's Georgia for you. 70's in December. I love it!!
Good Morning O.F.C. Got Tea, Where did I leave the weed?
Good morning ofc!

Kraven, what is ABX? Do you guys get pneumonia? Hippie, maybe you should have a chest xray. Kraven, i have been missing you too.

So last evening i was minding my own business when driving in the rain and the whole sky lit up with sheet lightening in December....then the thunder. Wow... Rain like i haven't seen here before heavy rain hard rain, might has well been hanging with mr cane.. Going to be 70 here today. WHAT? Very strange weather.

YD, congrats on your own home grown. When i had my first taste of mine, i had to make up a song about my pot being too good. I could hum a few bars for ya'll. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Giggy, don't work too hard.. take a smoke break.

Keef, how the heck are ya today?

Umbra... can you not catch a break on this car? A crooked mechanic is all you need. That makes me mad.

I got some christmas stuff done yesterday and that felt good. Smoking some grind your teeth cindy.... crazy pot.. seriously makes the jaws hurt.. not sure what that is about. but other than that it is fun.
Good morning ofc!

Kraven, what is ABX? Do you guys get pneumonia? Hippie, maybe you should have a chest xray. Kraven, i have been missing you too.

So last evening i was minding my own business when driving in the rain and the whole sky lit up with sheet lightening in December....then the thunder. Wow... Rain like i haven't seen here before heavy rain hard rain, might as well been hanging with mr cane.. Going to be 70 here today. WHAT? Very strange weather.

YD, congrats on your own home grown. When i had my first taste of mine, i had to make up a song about my pot being too good. I could hum a few bars for ya'll. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Giggy, don't work too hard.. take a smoke break.

Keef, how the heck are ya today?

Umbra... can you not catch a break on this car? A crooked mechanic is all you need. That makes me mad.

I got some christmas stuff done yesterday and that felt good. Smoking some grind your teeth cindy.... crazy pot.. seriously makes the jaws hurt.. not sure what that is about. but other than that it is fun.
Morning Cane !--The weed is over there !-- Your seed leave Wednesday! ----Got a nice buzz working caps be kicking in a few minutes !--I got something I want to tell U guys but it's just too soon !--I see with all the trash I was talking yesterday --I still didn't let it slip ! Anyway -Got some dirt coming later this week as well !---D.D. ordered it --Probably the kind Rose uses since Rose can do no wrong in her book !-- So Kraven gonna be up this afternoon doing cartwheels and jumping thru the hoops of society ?
:vap_smiley:morning OFC: Hey Keef I was looking at Billy Budds sight, would his clones work better than all that chemical conversions????
The Storm 4n sativa 60% / indica 40% potency up to 40% THC (tetraploid cannabis)

Trying some morning "nebula" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Morning Grandpa !--The Storm is one of the tetras I'm after !--I want to breed some tetras not just grow them !--It would be great not to have to mess with that chemical !-- He's already did it !-- I think the other one he has seed for is called Rock Star ? I think !--Starting with only 3 tetra varieties will limit me a little but there will be others !-- Probably limit me some but there will be others !--I start shaking those genetics up some no telling what might fall out !--
Grandpa --Billy only sells to registered Canadian growers and I'm in Texas !--I've offered a bounty to anyone who helps me get those tetra seed out of Canada !--A pack of seed of thier choice and I pay all shipping g and handling !--Want a pack of seed ?
"Grandpa --Billy only sells to registered Canadian growers and I'm in Texas !--I've offered a bounty to anyone who helps me get those tetra seed out of Canada !--A pack of seed of thier choice and I pay all shipping g and handling !--Want a pack of seed ? "

Being down south makes it kind of difficult but if and when I get back north I am considering a trip to Canada, my great GranP's from up there, we still walk side by each.
See what happens?????????/
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