Give a man a fish and U feed him for a day --Teach a man to fish and U feed him for a lifetime !-- Give a man a joint ...........
I r 2.I High!!!
we are sad. Our best friend has to be put to sleep this morning. RIP gearbear.
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It's a bad idea to go to the grocery store high, and hungry. Saw a carrot cake I just had to have, ended up carrying it on my lap for 28 miles home. Motorcycle doesn't have much trunk space.
Kraven, So you soak your beans before planting?
Mighty nice ladies there...
Yes sir, I usually give them a 24 hour soak, if no tail I'll give them another 24 then they go in the dirt and get lightly watered in...if it pops it pops if not well I tried, most have tails in 2 days or less though. I did have one that didn't pop so it went in the dirt and a week later still no seedling, so I just put if off to the side and about a week later I noticed I had a 2" seedling, so I always give them plenty of time before giving up.
Hey Hopper U get all that dry wall ,Plaster or whatever U do --done in Arkansas? -- U getting to old to be running around on stilts!-- Dog I like old school taste but I'm lazy !-- We make our own rub and sauce !--I do got a little old school experience !--- That what I want to bring to my style of growing !--Old School experience with new age technique!--Yo Canada !!-- I'm watching U !--