Never grew any feminized seed Cane!-- I always plant more than I need!--U need those seed I have for U ?-- I'm drying some more but I can get them to U anytime !-- !--Ya'll wanna get high ?
Keef Got 5 Fem. papaya seeds will use them up see what I git.
Going to be touch & go on a winter grow,I sure don't want to heat the whole two car garage to keep my space warm...
Ya Lets smoke...:48:
Mrcane, no I didn't soak them. Maybe I will try that. I haven't had any issues with four other strains now. Maybe the papaya just needed a little coaxing.
That's what I would do !--I bet U gonna be fine!--Only one way to find out !--I'm repairing a couple aero boxes from veg.--They have a pivoting lock handle that allows nute solution to leak. It's over a drain but I don't like having to worry about it !-- They got 35 inch grow spots!-Don't want to loose a box of fresh cuts because I got sloppy !
the papaya seeds seem a little less then robust. I put them in dirt. I only did two as was all i had room for and one was great and the other a twin, not so great. The plants were pretty good, but i didn't get a big harvest, that is for sure. So i would plant all 5 Cane.
It'll be good for U Kraven !!--From experience --It's hard to be stressed out when U lit up like a Christmas tree!--I got my smoker in today!--Bout to get high and put it together! Can't let Kraven trip alone !
Came home to find Leo in front of my house, Lights blazing. We have a building beside my place that gets tented out for parties. Leo got tired of having me call to have folks moved out of my yard. The last time, I said if it happens again I was going to put out boards with bails sticking up. That would compliment my no trespassing signs well. Leo decided to nip it in the bud(haha) and catch em for they parked. It was a bit of a shock though coming around the curve and see blue lights wig wagging at my house.
Canna ranchers. Man I bet those things are good.
Yeah, been down that road before kraven. Not pleasant at all.
He still there. He's a big ole country boy. Hope he doesn't smell the hillbilly gravy I just made to go with the homemade biscuits. Ha-ha.
Big boy eat em up!!
One good thing about smoking alone, you get to take double hits and no one cares!!
EIEIO !!-- Dog if the gummy bear is any indication ---The south gonna like some edibles!-- I just don't think U can cover the hash oil taste !-- So I just bypass the taste and swallow some caps with powdered weed !-- Let my belly do the extraction !--