Been overcast intermittently today. Had a job interview yesterday. Now I have to wait on them again. It's the job I think I want. Basically wasted most of today. No salvaging it now.
Get high with Me luck on the job front for me yet, but I'm done doing patient care, so I have limited my options....I will find the right job at the right time.
Hey O.F.C.! Got my new phone out for test drive . Prohibition needs to end ! Rose big pharmacy is not the oh ones with the technology. A $3,500 machine and U can do it ! Let's be honest that's 1 1/2 pounds maybe? Rose wants a connoisseur single whole plant oil? We can do that! There's a company in Colorado that sells ecig juice in 5 varieties label by the effect they produce! They got giggly, pain relief, speed y and stuff like that! I got no problem with mixed oil to get desired effect!
Hey Rose they make a plastic hand cranked hash machine like a washing machine! There's thought! A camping washing machine! Hope U guys know U my test subjects when I start making ecig juice! All the research is posted at !
Well, I killed em....hung all three for tempting growers, they had become overly coated in trichromes, way to heavy to support their own weight and was changing color daily..... today she was 50/50 amber/ hop on on over and you too can see first hand what happens when weed gets out of control.
DD, i hope you get it if it is the job for you. That would be nice to have the looking part over.
So after you shake the hash all over the table then you press it in a cake, then is that it? no baking no nothing?
On my way Kraven.
Rose as soon as i get how to store the dry ice keif, That will be what i do with all my trim and trash. It will allow me to be much more precise in my edibles, just have to figure out how to store it without it molding.
It's still weed ya'll! How U store your weed? When U shaking dry ice watch for the color change! Light, darker and green . U want the the lighter ! Where Hippie he knows this stuff!
Hey I finally figured out what I want my avatar to be ! How I get a pic of Yosemite Sam blasting away with his pistols! It fits! Now to figure out how !
I'll be cooking with it Keef so that will be the decarbing....I decided to take a few shots of the buds I just hung, from the smallest to the biggest. They came out ok.
around here none of the dispensaries want hash pressed. they like it loose like sand. they say pressing is what causes the mold. I would store it unpressed and store in a zip lock in the frig.
Keef, the co that makes the e cig and edibles with different highs isn't in CO, they are in San Fran. Harborside in Oakland is carrying their products.
Hey Dog I like that top one ! Kraven U know making hash U be freezing the tricome so it breaks off at the stem when agitated? Using an alcohol extraction like with Rose's magic butter machine dissolves all the tricomes ! RSO is the way to go for an eating extract! This right here! This is nice weed ! I can't find a favorite!
So I am stoned. really stoned. now ya tell me umbra.. Mr rb pressed with his drill press all the morning hash. They LA isn't pressed yet. So i guess i will do as you suggest. Thank you again. It felt weird breaking up bud to hash but as loaded as i am i think it was a brilliant thing to do.
Kraven, we just need to change your name to frosty. Such nice pic's of nice bud.