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I am going to take these two pretty girls Friday morning.View attachment 003.jpg And bring the 5 LITTLE straggly ones in under the patio cover and take them as i see fit I guess.

Yard dog don't get colder, unless you are a big ole sap like me. Then ya need to get a bit of perspective at times.

I am smoking and can't quit talking. oh no Did I mention I have clones of the above? WOOOOOO HOOOOOO
Hey Rose !- might need a chainsaw !-- Dog !- Love a good festival !-- Back on the Bayou they'll have a festival for anything !-- Maybe one day we can go to a weed festival !-- Wouldn't that just be too cool !-- RWS thinks it might be a good idea to take a trip next year and see this "Cup"- thing Hippy is always talking about !-- See what it's gonna be like when prohibition ends !-- Maybe find a niche we can fill around here when the law changes !-- I told her if we do you'll have to watch me like a hawk !- Keef be sending Green Santa to himself !
I went to go to the store and the car is a no go. Well it started fine, but overheated very quickly. I got 10 miles before I saw how hot it got. I pulled over and put water from an irrigation ditch in the radiator. It all just poured thru the radiator. I call my son to get a tow truck and he mentions he hit an animal late last night on his way home from work. Well the radiator is trashed and so is the radiator support bracket. The suspension seemed fine as did the brakes. Waiting to hear how bad the damage is...
Hey I'm scheming on how to get a hot tub !- Can the Doctor write U a prescription for a hot tub will insurance pick up the tab ?-- Didn't think so that would be too easy !-- Sure would help the pain !-- I'm gonna have to get my hustle on !-- I be needing a hot tub !--
Morning ofc. 49 here this am. Had to get up and shut a few windows last night.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh !-- need coffee and weed !-- cable is out so no morning news or music for Keef !-- Where's my pipe ? Later !
first 2 1/2 hopes netted 23 ounces. not bad. Will be taking the other 1 1/2 plants tonight. one hanging. Getting real cold here tomorrow. Rso making soon. lots of trim
Good morning guys,

Bozzo that is awesome, congratulations. Making rso? that is very cool too. Do you have the magical butter machine? Here is a 25 dollar off coupon.. Saves me about 10 hours work, i am serious. http://magicalbutter.refr.cc/8VFKTD8

Keef, i think the days of insurance buying hot tubs have been over for a couple of decades, sorry to be a bummer. The thing with hot tubs, i had a tiny one and got rid of it. I couldn't take the chemicals. I bet RWS couldn't either if she has asthma. Do you have a bathtub? Put in a whole or half a big bag of epsom salts. Get the tube hot and lay there. Magnesium...good for the body. IF you stay in too long with that much it might make ya poop. LOL I like it better than a hot tub. If you need bubbles, i guess you could have beans for lunch... Oh dear, this is rb straight. I need to smoke.

YD, it is that here this morning too. burr.

Ok, time for the jaw clinching Z99 that my daughter refused to take home,,, too speedy? WHAT?
Better now !-- Rose I think a hot tub would be good for both of us !-- RWS doesn't have asthma just some allergies !-- Speaking of the devil !-- She got a job offer/ interview today !-- She's very good at what she does !-- Got her freeze dried urine packaged and ready for a drug screen !-- Go Bozzo !!- U gonna be growing that Holland's Hope again next year ?--
Good Morning OFC. Up early. Coffee only. Lungs aren't happy. Lots to do. Hoping car isn't too messed up
Umbra make U some caps and chill out !-- So your son hit an animal and the car got broke !-- Coulda been a big animal or somebody else and the car and your son coulda got broke !--
Umbra, do you think it's the smog that the PRK is so famous for?

Bozzo, great harvest! I might be pulling the gals out of the pot pen this weekend, too.
Honestly Hippie, I think the smog is pretty far away. But when they harvest the almonds, they create dust storms shaking the trees and the sweepers that pick up the nuts. The pollen here is so thick that the cars are covered in it over night.
Morning All 740 and I haven't had any smoke yet .... Better get caught up!! :48:
I think Umbra probably has lung problems but getting all upset just makes it worse like auto immune diseases do !-- One Monday morning a few year's after we were married-- back before our house burned and we moved to the swamp -- I was half asleep and RWS was late getting home from work and this home delivery frozen food truck pulls up in front of the house -- RWS gets out with a bag of frozen peas on her head !-- This was long before my head injury but I was confused !-- She said --I broke the truck !-- She most certainly did !-- Turned my little blue Chevy S-10 into a "W" !- Didn't make a sharp turn and hit the trees about 8 feet up !-- I was just glad she was O.K. ! -- Anyone who dozen't know what ""RWS" stands for -- it's the Indian name I gave her -- "Runs With Scissors "!! Yes there is a story behind that !
That's different Umbra !-- I thought might be having some COPD flare up !-- When the wind is right and the cedar pollen from the hill country blows this way !- OMG !-- it's bad !- Stay inside when U can !
Keef, it is both. The COPD seems to be worse, first thing in the morning. All the mucus has collected in my throat and lungs overnight and I usually cough a bit when I get up. Cold and flu season are very bad for me.
It rained last night. It woke me up, it was coming down so hard. This morning...no mud. All the rain absorbed by the dry ground. It looks like it is going to rain some more.
Doing much better already.
Are almonds grown organically?
Yes for the most part. Nutes are cow manure and lime. However, its the pesticides that bother me. The bugs here are super bugs. They have been exposed to pesticides for so long that stronger, more lethal pesticides are the norm. I think that because there is no real freezing winters, the bug population is overwhelming.
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