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Morning Cane !-- Caps is kicking in -- I might just live !-- U know -- Why don't they just let me grow ?--Tired of this sheet !- I just want to run my clone factory -- put the rooted clones in something like that FF dirt and grow them out !-- Is that too much to ask !-- The T.E. needs to be free ! -- Just change the dam law -- Bastids !
Keef, i am thinking rather than soaking the pot I will just put it in a tight strainer and run water over it? You think I need to soak it?

Be back later, going for a slamagram.
I'd soak it some first !-- Shouldn't take too long !-- Or after running it under warm water awhile !-- If U got it all the "tea" should be clear !-- I don't have the answer !
Giggy said something about the Texas Louisiana state line !-- I almost died near there !-- Was coming back to Texas and it was cloudy but dry -- A squall came across 10 and I went from dry to hitting a wall of water !-- I messed up and tapped the brakes --truck broke loose and started spinning -- I was driving my a** off !-- Almost had it !- Then there was a tree !-- Bent the steering wheel when we hit bracing but still tried to drive it through the floor with my face - Broke my nose -- again and got an orbital fracture and concussion !-- I got to quit getting them -- They ain't good for U !
I don't think I mesh well with my neighbor's. I'm in cut off jeans and a T shirt with cut out sleeves. Riding a 1972 model snapper comet with a 6 pack of beer. Jamming to gov't mule.
Across the street, tater head (what I call him I'm conversation with my ole lady) is cleaning his mailbox and post with a rag and Windex.
I wonder why they don't wave at me no more??
Only five houses on my entire road. Wouldn't you know it; the only arsehole in the hood is my immediate neighbor! I knew there was going to be problems when they claimed they left their old neighborhood because everyone there were ********. If all your neighbors are ********, maybe YOU are the problem. He likes to call the cops/township on everyone for everything, yet is one of the biggest violators of the rules. She's a sexually frustrated sweat hog that mows her lawn every two days, rain or shine. They've got the only brown grass on the whole road. I, like everyone else, mows once a week if needed. My grass is green.

I miss my old boys. Everyone watched out for each other, everyone knew each other's phone numbers, and everyone had a key to everyone else's house, just in case.

Good neighbors are like a good spouse. If you've got 'em, let 'em know you appreciate 'em.
Hippie, neighbors just like a good spouse, nothing better than a good one, ain't nothing worse than a bad one.
Neighbors are great, My mother in law lives next door and my other neighbor smokes lots of MJ.. So things are pretty good here.
I had a neighbor that wanted me to mow every Friday like him. I told him I mow as needed. so one day he mows Half of my back yard on Friday. I yelled out the door .F...it, mow it all.
New neighbors father dropped by to tell me I had to move my fence !-- U want to try to take advantage of an old cripple crazy vet -- says a lot about you !-- Fence is not moving and I'm hoping pops comes back over !-- They put us on water restriction for yard watering in the spring - my back yard has went back native !-- Miss the swamp !
I've always had bad neighbors. When I turned 8, I had a birthday party at 2 in the afternoon, on a Saturday. Our next door neighbors called the cops, lol. The cops show up expecting an adult party with a bunch of drunks. My mother invited the 2 cops in for coffee and cake.
Umbra you must have been HOOTIN it up pretty good, 8 yrs old & all.
Cops must have loved it!!
U want to get out in the 100 degree weather to make sure your yard looks better than mine -- knock yourself out !-- I grew up in the country -- don't like living in a "neighborhood" !-- Giggy and I grew up not too far from each other he knows about the Big Thicket in east Texas !-- Umbra what do U think about BillyBudd's polyploids ?--
Making some pear sauce if anyone is interested. see if you were my neighbor you would, get some.
help OFC. One of my Holland's hopes was drooping real bad . Can't be thirsty, it's been raining all week. the other 5 HH's are fine. I have 3 phenos of HH's. one kind dropped the leaves one at the time. I have 2 of those. three of one kind are dropping no leaves. the one drooping is the odd one. 100% indica looking. All the bigger leaves from 5 feet down were drooping ,the ones higher look ok. The little buds look ok.
My question ,could this one just be dropping the leaves all at once? Last night it got real cool. around 40. Could it just have been kicked into overdrive by the cool night and trying to drop it's leaves now? I did pick all the drooping ones. has anyone ever had this happen?
thanks for any thoughts.
Sorry Bozzo :confused2:
Keef happen to me put up fence neighbor moves out, new neighbor moves in, starts looking at property line.... The fence is not moving, so don't even think about it...
bozzo, is the earth soaked? Is it water logged? I have an LA that looks kinda like that.. i wondered if it was over watered too. Wonder if it is the 40 degree night. Shoot, wish i could help. Do you have a picture?
Bozzo look around at the base and make sure the ants haven't built a nest in the roots !-- Cane -- I had to make a solemn promise to my wife I would not burn it down !-- not the fence !-- No One lives there yet they still building !-- I kinda wanted that lot for myself !-- I already had already started drawing up a "garage " to put on that lot !-- but -- ever body that had something to do with Eagle Ford Shale wanted to move to the island !-- Oil has dropped from over a hundred bucks a barrel to $40 !-- Sucks to be them !--
no ants Keef, rose ,I'm in all sand. It never stays to wet. what it did was uncover lots of light green little buds. they look sun starved. that plant is just different from the other 5 HH's. The top 3 feet look fine. I think it was shedding them leaves so the little buds can breath and sun up. just strange that they all droop at once.
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