Only five houses on my entire road. Wouldn't you know it; the only arsehole in the hood is my immediate neighbor! I knew there was going to be problems when they claimed they left their old neighborhood because everyone there were ********. If all your neighbors are ********, maybe YOU are the problem. He likes to call the cops/township on everyone for everything, yet is one of the biggest violators of the rules. She's a sexually frustrated sweat hog that mows her lawn every two days, rain or shine. They've got the only brown grass on the whole road. I, like everyone else, mows once a week if needed. My grass is green.
I miss my old boys. Everyone watched out for each other, everyone knew each other's phone numbers, and everyone had a key to everyone else's house, just in case.
Good neighbors are like a good spouse. If you've got 'em, let 'em know you appreciate 'em.