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No Kraven I'm not a vet. I take your words seriously and will do what I can.
Friend of mine had a stroke a few years back. Claimed he smelled burning hair, yet no one was around and he's as bald as a billiard ball.

Umbra, docs cost lots 'o bucks. So do funerals.
hippie would ya like to shoot pool Friday night on Irish road? friends shoot and smoke out .?
Umbra I will keep you in my thoughts,hopefully you will find a solution, and possibly get some real answers to your questions, without hard evidence its hard to say what is giving you a fit.
Good morning OFCl, smoking the dark devil and sucking down a cup of coffee, it sure smokes nice...all in all the auto was a successful experiment, and I got three zips to test :)
YO Good Morning O.F.C. Waking up to a Chai and some "effing incredible"
Well bowl one was so good, got a second cup of coffee and another bowl, just chilling waiting on the maid to get here. She gets paid in green also, and she does a jam up job and it cost me a quarter a week :p
Found my pipe !-- Giggy U ain't the only one to ever smoke brickweed / bagweed !-- Some is always better than none !-- Go Kraven !--
Oh giggy my friend, it if was a different world and you were close I would just dump a couple z's on you and call it good Bro.
Giggy -- U save seed from bag weed ?-- I'm looking for a bag of seed for Merlin to practice on before making me a tetra out of good seed !
Kraven it wouldn't be the first rule or law U ever broke !-- Hook the brother up !- We won't tell !
Giggy - be careful when U riding dirty !-- I threw out a coffee can full of seed a year or so ago ! -- We'll have to talk !---- I want Merlin to be able to do some test runs before using good seed !-- I have no plans to try to breed some killer variety from a tetra ! It's just the one plant I want !-- I 'll clone it !--
Morning OFC. Still a little sore, but feeling better. So my son had the same reaction as me. Looking like mold on some cannabis that was sitting in a jar too long. He dumped the jar out in the trash.
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