Cut their balls off,,,,, Lol
Yum! Meat and potatoes always work for this Irish mutt.Have fun hippie, fixin to dig into a steak myself, hot off the grill, got the baked potatoes and a nice big garden salad.
The GTH #9 is stretching like crazy, hoping it will stop in another foot.
This bong got me feelin right!! This what I feel like right now. View attachment 228999
Yoop !- What kinda boys U got there ?-- I wanting some White Widow pollen !-- but I got T.E. and Widow in bloom all the time ! Don't mind breeding them for a share of the seed !-- That White Elephant Giggy and the Gloman have got my attention !-- I'd like to change the parent positions -- Put a male Widow on a T.E. female !--