microbeorganics.com is a good source of info for brewing ACT. Tim has a lot of information
how do i Join the Od Farts Club ??
Jaga, never had a problem with smell. I've got a nose like a DEA agent, and I can't smell my outside gals unless I'm within fifteen feet on the down wind side. For strangers to get close enough, they'd have to be at least 200 feet inside my property lines and well within range.
The inside gals? About a week before they get chopped, when you open the basement door, you get the mildest of whiffs. After I start chopping and trimming, you can smell 'em if I open the front door! The whole house reeks of weed, but I kind of enjoy the smell.
Of course, I live on a dead end road that's got five houses on it, so there aren't many worries about the wrong person getting a whiff.
I had a friend that lived in a condo. He had problems with odor until he found some sort of goodies in a little plastic pot. Not too sure what they were, but they worked like a charm.
Guys I'm sorry I been such a downer -- The wife is slowly coming out the crisis --- All will be well until next time !-- She's resting well for a change ! Thanks for the support !-- I got e-mails from some of U ! It's beginning to feel like I got family here !-- I checked this afternoon and the grow seems to be taking care of it's self !! Got that little A.K. in aero and if if a female it's the only A.K. I need ! Without the Widow R.W.S. would probably have ended up in the hospital-- Gonna try some other varieties and a mix of 2 like Rosebud said !--- Maybe an ultra clean R.S.O. with a DMSO base ! Storming tonight and the face is swelling !--- A cripple nursing a cripple !-- When it rains it pours !!
mind says yes I can.....but the body says nope.........sounds like everyday to me lol
good morning all. The purple is coming down today I think. And the rest went into overdrive on the 21st. Its like they said oops its 12/12 time to finish up.
Hackerman, there is a way to not wake up with a hangover you know. ....lol