Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Good Weednesday morning old farts. Gotta be time for coffee and wake and bake, coffee and wake and bake. This will help ya get up and at `em. If nothing else ya can think about it. Peace.
Morning all -- quess that.means me and Yoop this.early !-- Oh Well !-- we'll just wake and bake by our selves ! We got good weed and fire - we got this ! Surprised Giggy didn't beat us to it !
good morning weed everyone and a Happy Weedsday. Bozzo what was the name of the product. The grow store was close yesterday for some reason. Happy days all
Hi kids. I'm late. Zoned out on a bowl of bubble this morning. Time traveling again. Lost a hour somewhere.

Checked the outside gals with the loupe the other day. They looked nice and milky, but I wanted to wait until the sun went down so I could get a good look. Got stoned and forgot, so I went out this morning before the sun came up. Bad idea. With the dew on 'em, they looked clear. I'll try sundown tonight.........if I don't forget..........
good morning weed everyone and a happy weedsday. Bozzo what was the name of the product. The grow store was close yesterday for some reason. Happy days all

good morning weed everyone and a happy weedsday. Bozzo what was the name of the product. The grow store was close yesterday for some reason. Happy days all

no powdery midew
As I am reading about your powder mildew issues, I can tell you that it is systemic, that regardless of what you do, you will not eliminate it. All you can hope to do is control it. My area of expertise is Infection Prevention and Disease Control, I work with destroying micro organisms all day long. My best results have been with using lactic acid bacteria sprayed on the plant during lights off. Any clones taken from a plant with white powder mildew, will also have it. It is much harder to deal with once you have it than to prevent it. It is cause mostly by poor air flow and high humidty and eliminating those problems will go a long way in preventing the problem in the first place.

UMBRA I like what I have read about lactic acid bacteria. could you tell us more. where do you get it. How do you mix. and anything we need to know. does it do anything to prevent bud rot to? or is it just for PM. Great to hear from someone that knows. Tell us more please

lactic acid bacteria is used in beer making , is the same as you use?
Hey O.F.C. -- The Nurse Larry Group could teach us.a.thing or two ! They have access to some fine and hard to locate varieties !-- We would do.well to listen ! Perhaps one day we can share knowledge and resources !
hope that everyone is doing well im here with 4 dogs ,, watch 2 for a fiend tht went up north
stay high for all my fello tokers
Got a question for O.F.C. and the N.L. Group!-- together someone surely has an answer -- My wife suffers from an auto-immune system disorder called Fibro- Myalsia -- most of the time no one would know anything was wrong !-- When it flares - she says her skin hurts, The gentlest touch causes pain!-- fortunately I've used My Widow and extracts to treat her the best I can but there has to be a variety that will give her more relief !! Any ideas ?
Keef sorry to here the your wife has fibro-myalsia. Being it's an auto immune problem she needs to be on RSO. Using a high thc/cbd mix she can repair the receptors that control the immune system. I use the oil for the few little things i have problems with a mix of high thc sativa and a high cbd strain. I will be using a 1:1 ratio for my dosing. It doesn't take a lot, a little on your finger tacked to your lower gum or under tongue, will go straight to the receptors and there's no high involved. For something you need to do 3 or 4 times a day, most people would rather not get high and get healthy again. Go to the old digs and read motoco's how to make RSO and his dosing regiment. She can be cured.
Know I`m glad that I never had to deal with powdery mildew or bud rot. That`s one point for indoor grows (I think).

On another point, beemer, that RSO, sounds like I need to check into it. Then grow enough to make some.
Know I`m glad that I never had to deal with powdery mildew or bud rot. That`s one point for indoor grows (I think).

On another point, beemer, that RSO, sounds like I need to check into it. Then grow enough to make some.

indoor growers get it to but not in that clean white surgery room you have.

the good thing is you may lose 10 % but you grow 300% more . enough for plenty of RSO. best way is a combined grow. Right Hippie
Got a question for O.F.C. and the N.L. Group!-- together someone surely has an answer -- My wife suffers from an auto-immune system disorder called Fibro- Myalsia -- most of the time no one would know anything was wrong !-- When it flares - she says her skin hurts, The gentlest touch causes pain!-- fortunately I've used My Widow and extracts to treat her the best I can but there has to be a variety that will give her more relief !! Any ideas ?

Keef, I am sorry your wife is suffering with FMS. It is the pits, but Beemer is right RSO will really help. I use 1/2 the size of a piece of rice rso at night.

Mostly a good indica is usually where you go for pain. I know that with Fibromyalgia getting a good night sleep is really important and hard to get with a flare up. I promise some good RSO will help her sleep and help her pain.

I have made rso out of a couple different varieties and it has helped some folks. If you or anyone on here can come up with a good indica that makes your muscles relax, that is what you want. You could start a thread that asked which pot was best for pain and see what you can find.
best way is a combined grow. Right Hippie

I got bud rot on one bud last grow. It was the Black Lights, and the one plant at the back of the room had this HUGE bud that was white in the extreme middle. I blame it on my old dehumidifier taking a dump on me before I could afford to buy the new one.
I just peeled the bud open, tossed out the center, and made oil out of the rest.
I'm waiting to hear back on the lactic acid bacteria. I'll be treating BEFORE I get the stuff from now on. worked with the mites this year. From now on they get weekly sprays while in veg. mite and mold
Guys got a family health crisis I have to deal with --- I'll be back in a few days ! Take care of each other !!!
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