Ok, i am over it now thanks to you Kraven. LOL
There was a great discussion about this at the Emerald Cup between, subcool, mz jill, mean gene( he won the cup) and DJ Short. DJ claims he has a mother that is 20 years old and no genetic degradation. I was impressed with their knowledge on the subject. They talked about plants becoming woody and hard to clone and the ways around it.I believe what I read about is that the clone ages as you repeat the process, a clone from a 2 year old plant is two years old....the controversy comes when the discussion centers around the fact the the plant is programed to be an annual plant, is there degradation as the cells age...from there it really just gets into opinion so yes there is not a real definitive answer yet, much more research is needed in my opinion.
i always germ in paper towels, but was told that these beans were old (white widow, and white elephant) so i tried the soak then paper towel this time. when i was young i did just soil but now i germ then put it in soil. what made me change was when half of my seeds didn't sprout and had to redo everything.giggy, why do you do all that to seeds? I just pop them in soil and the sprout? Just wondering.
Good morning boys.. rb is a little grumpy this morning, a cable guy wants in our backyard? too early...need more coffee and more girl scout cookies..
Have a good day you OFC !