Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Did U see the terrorist attack in Garland Texas ?-- 2 guys with assault rifles one law dog wounded 2 terrorist killed !- Don't they know this is Texas !- Ever- Body got a gun and I believe it is terrorist hunting season round here !-
Good morning OFC. Sleep evades me, so it`s "wake and bake" time. Anyone else up yet ?
yea yoop, but im on my way to the "W" place, enjoy your wake and bake, I'm having a wake and bitch at the moment, be glad when today is over, that place pisses me off from time to time, and the last two days have been hell, and today aint gonna get much better.
Feel for ya bro, can sure understand when work gets to be hell. Think I can remember that long ago. Anyway we`re here for ya.
Morning O.F.C. !- I think I might live !- - Sometimes medical field make U wonder what U really doing !- I helped a podiatrist fix the feet of just about every nursing home patient in the area !- most on people who couldn't walk anyway ! Wha?? It don't have to make sense if it makes money ! Smoke'm if U got'm my peeps !- Life don't always make sense but if U stay high it doesn't bother U as much !
morning yoop, krav and the rest. yoop sorry you can't sleep, i go through them stages and really never get more then 4 to 6 hours anyway. krav i got to do the w thing too, but today is mine safety class. i checked the beans this morning and them are all still floating, but will go in paper towels this evening. everybody have a great day.
Last night I got 2-2 I/2 hours of sleep, normally get 3-4 hours of sleep. Life goes on.
Morning ye old Potheads. Time to start a new Contract and i get to work close to home. Yehaaaaaaaa
good morning OFC. it's so dry ,and the AH around don't know not to burn in the spring time . so there was a plane flying right over my house over and over in small circles. I thought the swat team was coming . nope fire close to me lol. I was in panic mode.
Hopper !- That wasn't really fair what ya'll did up there in in Garland !- Mohamed Cartoon Contest ?-- That was a Jihad trap!- -2 assault rifles and body armor against a cop with a pistol ?-- They coulda left all that SWAT stuff at home ! Dropped them in they tracks !
Afternoon, Old Farts. Yoop, I wish I'd have checked the site this morning. Didn't get to sleep myself until 06:00.

Big brother petered out on visiting Mom yesterday. I was mowing the yard when she called. I could tell she had the blues over his no-show. Figured someone would be mowing it long after her and I both were under the sod, so I finished the front and headed her way. Loaded her into the bus and took a 50 mile tour. Went past my childhood home (north end of Flint; Had a gun on my hip and another in my pocket).

Back yard and the field still need mowing, but my Little Darling had such a good time, I figure I did the right thing. When they're 94, a smart man doesn't put off visits for tomorrow. When it comes right down to it, none of us are guaranteed one.:)
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Hippie, that`s about my normal schedule. Wow, at 94 your mom still sounds spry and alert, that`s fantastic man. My father-n-law will be 92 next month, but, unfortunately, he`s out in left field most of the time anymore. What ya got new for the "Hippie Van" ?
Got Cha !- been playing pH roller coaster since I switched to RO water !- Simple answer if I would have openned my eyes !- My fresh drawn RO water has a pH of 4.7 !- Ran some yesterday morning and let it sit for 24 hours - pH is 5.7 now !-- Keef's kosher RO water !- Draw it up and let it sit for 24 hours before using !- Tranquil Elephantizer I own Yo Azz !-- And breeding a T.E. to my black line Widow is now a matter of stubbornness !- I have another half dozen F-1 T.E. seed - I'll make another male and start over !- If I have to do that - I'll clone that boy and we'll breed him to anything and everything that gets in the way !- Ain't nothing worthwhile comes easy ! Quess that means I ain't quiting ! In the mean time I'll just make me about a bazzilion T.E. clones !- Go ahead !-- Pass that Law !- I double coon dog dare U !
Hopper !- That wasn't really fair what ya'll did up there in in Garland !- Mohamed Cartoon Contest ?-- That was a Jihad trap!- -2 assault rifles and body armor against a cop with a pistol ?-- They coulda left all that SWAT stuff at home ! Dropped them in they tracks !
Yeah we wanted it to be a fair Gun Fight. Lol
We dont need the Swat Teams in TEXAS,, even the Teachers carry guns.
giggy going farming, impressive line up ya got going there. They gonna keep ya busy bro.
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