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The basil and other herbs I got off the store shelf and cloned them !-- They all rooted just fine !
Wish I could help you with what's next Keef, but I can only grow in dirt and even then my abilities are questionable... I do wish you the best of luck with all yer herbs though!!!
Morning O.F.C. !-- I slept in !-- Got some caps in my belly --Having some coffee --Pipe is full !-- Let's do this thing !-- Only gonna hit 100 today !-- U know I'm be all out in that heat ?
nice cool and dry here to giggy. wow it is amazing outside. i worked in the sun yesterday, and today just because the weather is so nice.
I need to snap a pic of my tomato's. i have five roma tomato's vegging, about a foot high. its time to re-pot them and see if i can grow a few maters in the corner of my veg closet. if they do not work, i will try a smaller cherry variety.
You going to hempcon this year Umbra ?

Last year I went with NCH and some of his partners. He invited me to his booth this year. I will have to go by myself. My son is working. It is also where I was given the Valentine seeds and saw the 99.7% pure THC crystals, lol. So yes I am going. I did see a valentine ( 20:1)crossed with Rainmaker (10:1) available, but I have been looking for SusieQ (50:1). I think my best bet is at Hempcon.
I might live !-- We doing it together Dog !-- They told me U got to pollinate the Tomatos by hand since we got no pollinators in da house !-- I got some yellow cherry Tomatos !-- That Basil just plum outta control !
I thought I would grow some fresh herbs and veggies on the fringes of my MJ grow !-- I also got some bell pepper and some little peppers called Sweet Bites !

Red Eyes -- U got questions about growing someone here got the answer !-- I just fell into water farming !-- Got them dam Dog Pecker Knats in my dirt !-- D.D. bought me an aero cloner !-- I cut the tops off my plants put them in the cloner and throw out my dirt !-- The plants rooted so I asked around about water nutes and added them !-- The plants loved it so I copied that cloner on a larger scale and Dat's how I grow !

Kraven --I hate U !-- U always be making me jealous !-- Maybe next year I go too !

Umbra I want a moon rock !
Good morning old folks! They say 103 today but cooling as the week unfolds. My back has had me down the last week or so but I got *hi* to do. I'm just gonna get it done slowly.
I'm need a high CBD plant one day !-- My caps help me get around so I know I can make even better meds with more CBDs -- If it helps me it will help others !-- I got some work to do today before D.D. make it home !- - I want to move the grow but we want to keep the beach house !-- I ripped up the carpet and I needs to put in some hard wood floors and paint inside and out !--
Good morning from sweating, pot soil soaked, wilting rosebud.

2RE, your new lawn is going to be adorable.

Umbra, could you keep me in mind when you see those kind of cbd's? Although i think i have a pretty good herd of them except the Valentines that are NO GENDER. Holy crap, the other plants are starting the pre-flower stretch and those three no gender valentines just taunt me... lol, i sound like keef.

so i just spread some bark on the garden. going to be 102 today... heading for hot as heck tomorrow.
Giggy, i am sure bud is ready to be off his walker. Soon i hope. please.
Rose it seems to me that seed plants take forever to show sex !-- My clones jump right into bloom and seed plants will sit there sometimes for 2 weeks showing nothing !--
I think I got my 6 plants lined up for bloom !-- Might even move them to bloom today !-- I got 2 Mazar -- 1 - Widow -- 1--Snow Desiel and the revegged base of a King Louie 13th and the base from BOC #2 --I got my cuts from those 2 girls but I had to work for them !-- Next week bloom be full again !-- Be time to get busy soon !-- I be glad to have trim to make caps out of again in stead of bud -- I gotta have the caps or I'm mostly crippled up !
Good morning from sweating, pot soil soaked, wilting rosebud.

2RE, your new lawn is going to be adorable.

Umbra, could you keep me in mind when you see those kind of cbd's? Although i think i have a pretty good herd of them except the Valentines that are NO GENDER. Holy crap, the other plants are starting the pre-flower stretch and those three no gender valentines just taunt me... lol, i sound like keef.

so i just spread some bark on the garden. going to be 102 today... heading for hot as heck tomorrow.
Giggy, i am sure bud is ready to be off his walker. Soon i hope. please.
I always do. There is a company I'm checking on...MedTree. They are doing some incredible cbd strains.
Umbra I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all these crosses from the BBSL !-- Like U said -- When U breed a poly to a poly U gonna have a lot of diversity !-- There's maybe a dozen crosses !- When they have aged and I can germ them -- Getting a girl don't mean I found the best girl !-- This gonna get real complicated !
I want a fine blackberry out the deal but for the rest it's like fishing -- I don't know what I'm after I just think I'll know it when I find it !-- juggling 3-4 girls from each variety? --I don't want to even think about it !-- Right now I got 2 phenos of Purple Haze and 2 BOC girls to keep ID ed !--
i have three harley-tsu that have been vegging for at least 10 weeks now. still no sex.
What up Dog ? -- No trash trucks today I hope ?

Ya'll gonna have to talk to me more about these autos !-- Ain't no secret that I think autos are an abomination and should be wiped from the face of the earth but I'm open to arguments to the contrary!
Roderalis (?) -- I just believe if U breed a racehorse to a plow horse what U get is NOT a racehorse anymore !-- To me the only attribute of autos is they bloom under 18/6 or 24/7 when it is ready !-- I feel I am perfectly capable of changing the light schedule when I want !-- And I can't clone them so I got no use for them !-- Can anyone change my mind ?
there is no reason anyone would argue this point. Autos have a niche. They are not for everyone. However, someone confined to a wheelchair or limited mobility might find an auto a good way to grow some medicine without all the hassle of full grown plants or cuts
I guess I can see that Umbra !-- Just because they not for me don't mean there's not a place for them !

Hey this the little bastid that got loose amongst my girls !-- Waldo is beat up and tired like me but he'll reveg for me and be ready to do it again if I wish !-- I cut about 6 inch off that one limb to get him to reveg faster !

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