U been into that Sour lately Cuz !-- Hmm ?
I got 2 Squish -x- Oregon Lemon plants in aero !-- I lost the little Lemon Shine plant !-- I'll have a lemon one way or another !--
Umbra did U say that Temple -x- BPU might be piney ?
The seeds you choose shouldn't be based on price alone. With that said, I bought Archive's gelato #25 x Dosidos and In House's forbidden fruit x jelly breath.
I got Archive's beans from firestax. They ship to your country.
I am spoiled with having access to lots of good genetics
keef i got some lebanese land race beans as well as some others that need bx'ed. still trying to come up with some pollen to hit the g13's with. that last g13 male hermmed a week after i dusted a few spots. i do have them marked but the beans will go into the trash. in the future i have some twisted treat sweet tart, some jaw's green demon og, hills men mix and some 79 xmas bud. with the 79 originally bred by ndn guy may just be the old christmas tree i have been looking for. next in line is umbra's temple x bpu.Been surveying the damage Mr. Waldo did to my precious girls !-- Had to write it down cause too much to remember !-- Some got more some got less seed but --This is a list of the girls he got to !
AK 48
Blue T.E.
BOC --( Umbra's Box of Chocolate )
Golden Ticket -x- BOC
Purple Haze -- Maybe both phenos
Panama Power
Mazar -I -Shariff -- ( the one they make Lebanese Blond Hash from!)
Night Shade
Nurse Larry
Snow Desiel
White Indica
The White -x- Black Rose
Dam !